40% of the world’s population has at least one social network account; See the most popular – Markets Morning

Almost one at home two people in the world already owns at least one account in an existing social network on the internet. According to the Global Digital Statshot report for the third quarter of 2017 (with Q2 data), the survey was conducted by the social networking companies Hootsuite and We Are Social.

In total, they are 40% of all the 7.52 billion human beings on the planet with a profile on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, among others. Some messengers were also considered in the survey. The count only considers who has at least one account on any social network. That is, about 3 billion.

In the last three months, 121 million people have created their first social network account, in a universe of more than 3.8 billion people connected to the Internet, almost 80% already have a profile to share photos, videos or ideas.

Facebook dominates but YouTube is in the queue

The report also shows the largest social networks on the planet, including some messengers on the list. Facebook is the hottest leader, with over two billion active users monthly. YouTube has 1.5 billion. WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger put the company of Mark Zuckerberg also in the 3rd and 4th positions.

But the domain of the company Facebook does not stop there. Instagram is also the third social network (excluding messaging apps), or the seventh application to be listed, behind WeChat and QQ. Twitter, which has 328 million active users, is behind Tumblr (with 357 million). Snapchat is still far behind with 255 million users.

The world in the palm of the hand

In the last 12 months, the type of device used to connect to the internet has changed a lot. The number of PC and notebook users dropped by 18%, while mobile accesses grew 21%, reaching 54% of total Internet traffic which is 51% on PCs and notebooks. Other devices grew 27%, reaching 0.14%.

This number is easy to understand when we know that more than 5 billion people have a mobile device, with or without Internet access. And a little more than half of the mobile connections made on the planet, which reaches 8.2 billion (since many people have more than one line) is made through a smartphone: 55%.

And guess which is the most popular mobile operating system connected to the internet? Android is responsible for 72.9% of requests made to servers, against 19.4% of iOS. The remaining systems, which include Windows Phone, take up only 7.7% of the market.

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40% of the world's population has at least one social network account; See the most popular - Markets Morning

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