City of Marble Falls to share info with residents through neighborhood social network site –


The neighborhood social network site allows cities and residents to interact through the dissemination and sharing information.

MARBLE FALLS Just how well do you know whats going on in your neighborhood?

Thats the question Marble Falls city leaders have posed to residents as the municipality joins an online platform that allows users to share information with each other.

Acting as an intermediary between the city and its residents, the neighborhood social networking site will foster neighbor-to-neighbor and citywide communication, according to the city of Marble Falls website.

Officials are touting the online tool as a way for residents to have direct access to information provided by law enforcement, fire services, utilities, and administrators.

Also, the platform is expected to encourage residents to offer recommendations to the municipality.

Participants typically post about neighborhood watch programs, safety issues, local events, school activities, garage sales, and lost pets.

The self-managed platform will rely on active participation from the community.

Staff will review the site engagement in six months, Marble Falls City Secretary Christina McDonald said in a news release. There are already 223 Nextdoor residents signed up, and we are confident, with some encouragement, we can increase that number.

The city of Marble Falls has a population of approximately 6,000.

Participants can subscribe to for free but must provide proof of residency.

Officials pointed to the success of the website in Georgetown.

Nextdoor is quickly becoming the top social media platform for cities, law enforcement, and fire departments to connect with their citizens, said McDonald in the release. According to the communications department in Georgetown, Nextdoor is their top social media site.

(The service) will be used as an additional tool to provide citizens of the city of Marble Falls information and to encourage engagement with their neighbors and their city, she stated.

The platform is password protected, and city officials said the site never shares personal information with any third parties.

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City of Marble Falls to share info with residents through neighborhood social network site -

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