Ethics and pitfalls in using social networking applications – News Herder

Dubai: Social networking has decades of experience connecting people, helping us keep up to date with the latest news, following interesting topics, being informed about public announcements, gaining insight from specialists and other goodies that help us and bring joy to our daily life. While this is useful, when using these platforms, one has to follow the right ethics and be aware of the pitfalls.

False rumors are a source of destruction, and it is up to each of us to tackle them. We need to be vigilant and review all information received and not immediately consider it to be truth unless it comes directly from an official agency. We have to be the strong dam that stops false rumors from spreading.

There are pathetic people among us who live by generating malicious gossip that offends and defames their goals. What might surprise you is that these gossips are carefully crafted traps that lure the target into a counterattack that the clapster then fights against the target. One should be aware of such traps and always be careful to express their opinion without defamation, insult or mention of names.

One of the disadvantages of the Internet is the inability to prevent or even restrict the distribution of images and other media. Private pictures and messages between people sent via WhatsApp, Twitter, Instagram or even Snapchat can be saved and republished. This is a matter of great concern that we need to be aware of as many people of both sexes have been seriously humiliated and affected by the publication of these private pictures and messages.

Fake accounts are created by individuals or organizations with the aim of spreading conflict in societies and making personal money gains. We have to be careful and especially not to get into emotional traps, especially when we receive messages like Help a new Muslim or Poor child in the hospital. In other cases, they will fall victim to your social responsibility by posting bogus messages allegedly from royal people, such as Princess Wallet stolen, asking you to transfer money to them and have them recognize and return you as soon as they are back in the country. Check each new account to prevent fraudulent information or being cheated.

Some people innocently link their accounts to third-party online applications that write messages on behalf of the user. These messages can be as simple as daily useful information and statistics, and as complicated as replying to other people with reminders. Because they are generated in another country, the news published is sometimes culturally or politically insensitive, which can be very serious. Even if the likelihood of this happening is less than 10% since it was published on your behalf, you will be held responsible.

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Ethics and pitfalls in using social networking applications - News Herder

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