Facebook for the rich costs $9,000 to join

A new social networking site bills itself as the online country club for people with more money than time. The Daily Mail has a more succinct description: Facebook for the rich.

Netropolitan, as the site is called, costs $9,000 (U.S.) to join. The initiation fee is $6,000, plus a $3,000 annual fee.

New York-based composer James Touchi-Peters came up with the idea when he realized he and his well-heeled friends needed somewhere to discuss their (rich-person) problems without the typical reactions they might get on traditional social networking sites. "I saw a need for an environment where you could talk about the finer things in life without backlash - an environment where people could share similar likes and experiences," he told CNN.

Netropolitan is designed to be the place to talk about your last European vacation or new car without the backlash, messaging specialist Michelle Lawless told the Los Angeles Times.

Netropolitan includes features you have come to expect from a modern online social network, and a few that you may not, it says on the sites About page. Once you are a Netropolitan member, you have access to status updates and discussion rooms with all other members. You can create groups, have conversations about everything from fine wines to classic cars to vacation recommendations.

Of course, you can do all those things on Facebook, which is free. So what is the selling point here?

The site boasts unlimited cloud storage and no advertising. As well, it is completely inaccessible to the public, with the exception of the login screen (which includes the About section and also FAQs). Otherwise, it sounds a lot like Facebook.

Is that worth $9,000? Not to me, but Im not rich.

Perhaps if you are rich there might be sufficient appeal in the sites exclusivity.

In one wonderful segment of Netropolitans About page, the site seems to be on guard against entitled expectations of the one per cent.

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Facebook for the rich costs $9,000 to join

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