Happy birthday Facebook: Heres why the social networking site discontinued its dislike button – Jagran English

Read on to know why Facebook rolled out its dislike button and other interesting tivia on its 17th birthday.

New Delhi | Jagran Tech Desk: Mark Zuckerbergs Facebook is arguably worlds most favourite social networking site and is ringing in its 17th birthday on Feb 4. And on the special day we bring you an interesting trivia about one of the many surprising decisions of Facebook which made the users go Why?.

Although, there are a lot of Whens and Whys but the one which caught everyones attention a little more than usual was the dislike button.

Dislike or Downvote?

Firstly, to bring to your notice, it was actually called the downvote button rather than dislike which people usually termed it as. The feature was added along side the like button, which is a thumbs-up button, to express ones disapproval over something.

Why was it discontinued?

As per reports, the downvote button was rolled out as Facebook thought that it could have been used to spread negativity or bullying. The CEO Mark Zuckerberg said not every moment is a good moment and added that any feature on the site needed to be very responsibly and carefully designed.

However, to add more features besides the like button, Facebook introduced its reaction buttons which allowed people to react through different expressions of anger, laughter and more.

Other facts and trivia

So, here are some interesting must-know facts about Facebook:

Posted By: Abhinav Gupta

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Happy birthday Facebook: Heres why the social networking site discontinued its dislike button - Jagran English

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