How Trump’s Use of Social Networking Changes Governance – Global Guerrillas

The Trump presidency operates very differently (obviously) than those of his post-WW2 predecessors. First off, its goals are completely different: it's dismantling the neoliberal system. A system that earlier administrations built up over decades. Second, and equally as interestingly, it operates more like a network than abureaucracy. Specifically, the Trump administration is:


What makes Trump's networked autocracy (potentially) effective is in how it stays reactive to the rapidly evolving needs of its supporters. It does this through:

Reactive Networked Autocracy

Based on these differences and the evidence of the first few weeks, we can expect this administration's style ofgovernance to operate very differently than the legacy cold war bureaucracy that ran our country since WW2. Here are some of the major changes:


John Robb

PS: Despite expectations, even policies that look deeply unpopular errors (like the travel ban on 7 countries) are actually supported by a popular plurality of Americans. Here's the seemingly (given the coverage) impossible results of a recent national Quinnipiac poll that had a question on a travel ban.

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How Trump's Use of Social Networking Changes Governance - Global Guerrillas

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