Leave our employees out of this: Jack Dorsey responds to Donald Trump, says US Prez fact-check does not make Twitter arbiter of truth – Economic Times

Social media companies like Facebook and Twitter have often found themselves at the centre of attention when it comes to issues like fact-checking, fake news and running political ads with unsubstantiated claims. While both Twitter and Facebook have their own policies on how to deal with the same, political leaders have often had run-ins with the social networking sites on whether they are being unbiased.

US President Donald Trump is the latest politician to be embroiled in a verbal spat with Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey. It all started when Trump, on Wednesday, sent out a tweet on how social media platforms silence conservative voices and that his administration will continue to regulate them or close them down.

Trump then sent out a tweet which announced that a big action against Twitter is likely to follow.

Not only did Dorsey ask Trump to leave his employees out of this, he also doubled down on Twitters fact-check policy.

Dorsey began the tweet by saying that if theres someone accountable for the company's actions, its him. Well continue to point out incorrect or disputed information about elections globally. And we will admit to and own any mistakes we make, the tweet read.

Trump is yet to respond to Dorseys tweets.

8 Nov, 2019

8 Nov, 2019

8 Nov, 2019

8 Nov, 2019

See the article here:
Leave our employees out of this: Jack Dorsey responds to Donald Trump, says US Prez fact-check does not make Twitter arbiter of truth - Economic Times

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