My thoughts on Instagram Streaming –

One challenge of Social Media is staying updated with the latest trends and new Social Media platforms. At the start of 2021, I was fortunate enough to receive an invitation to an audio-chat-based Social Media platform called Clubhouse. Currently, Clubhouse is an invite-only platform and is available to Apple users only right now.

Having spent some time exploring Clubhouse here, are my initial thoughts:

1. With limited people on the application it, is a fantastic opportunity to build both Community and Brand.

2. The Networking opportunities are endless. You can connect with some of the worlds most prominent Business and Industry leaders.

3. Everyone starts with 0 followers. So, if you spend enough time on the app, you have the opportunity to build a great community and following.

4. Its undervalued attention. Anytime a new Social Media platform has the consumers attention you, should be where the eyeballs are to grow and scale your Brand or Business.

With this understanding, I went away and developed a strategy on how I could use Clubhouse to help with my overall Promotions Strategy around the Teawithmikeshow.

How can Clubhouse help the Teawithmikeshow?

1. On the Networking side, I can connect with people who might want to be a guest on the Teawithmikeshow.

2. My strategy on the platform to help me stand out from the crowd is to be bold. When people host a room that interests me, I raise my hand to speak to add value to the conversation. Adding value and being authentic is a great way to increase your followers.

3. I believe in balancing my time between large rooms and hosting my own. For Teawithmike, youll see me moderating rooms around Storytelling, Conversation, Community, and Tea Drinking.

To be continued.

#blog #brand #mike podcasting #mike talkshow #mike tea #storytelling #tea #teawithmike #behindthescenes

See the rest here:
My thoughts on Instagram Streaming -

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