Social Network Security, Social Networking Risks and Issues …

Sophos recommendations for Facebook security

You can drastically cut your risks on Facebook if you choose your settings carefully. Know what you should change, enable or disable to keep your information and identity on Facebook as safe as possible.

Read our step-by-step guide.

What's the issue with privacy and Facebook? We have the details. Read more.

Facebook security, what you need to know

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00:06:15 - 11 Jan 2011

Paul Ducklin of Sophos Australia discusses Facebook safety and privacy

From this month's Patch Tuesday to the big Vodafone Australia data leak, Paul Ducklin of Sophos Australia joins Chet this week to round up the major security news of the week.

It's almost impossible nowadays to keep social networks out of the workplace. But how do you maintain its use in business without it becoming a burdensome security issue?

Read the whitepaper

Our annual security threat report details the latest threats in the security landscape, including threats that may lurk in social networks.

Read our latest threat report (January 2012) Social networking threats are on the rise

When you outright ban access to popular sites, especially social networking sites, your users tend to want to fight against it. Anonymizing proxies are a popular tactic, but they can also be quite dangerous

Cut down on the use of anonymizing proxies, find out how

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Social Network Security, Social Networking Risks and Issues ...

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