Take a week-long break from social media to reduce anxiety and depression, study says – The Indian Express

Social media detox is a phrase weve heard way too many times and have probably tried too. Taking the detox approach isnt just a trendy wellness trend, according to a recent study. It states that taking a break from social media has been scientifically shown to improve our health and alleviate the despair and anxiety that many of us have learned to live with in the post-2020 era.

A study published in Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking consisted of findings which were based on an examination of the social media habits of 154 individuals, aged 18 to 72, who said they spent an average of eight hours each week on social media. They were separated into two groups: those who took a week off from social media and those who did not. The researchers assessed their mental health prior to the division.

Participants who did not use social media reported significant improvements in anxiety, depression, and overall mental health following the experiment. The group that continued to use social media as usual, on the other hand, did not gain the same benefits.

Jeffrey Lambert, first author of the study, and lecturer in health and exercise psychology at the University of Bath, said, Many of our participants reported positive effects from being off social media with improved mood and less anxiety overall. This suggests that even just a small break can have an impact.

Despite the benefits of social media, the tailored reality we see on our Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Reddit feeds, among others, has a severe impact on our mental health. An article on LOfficiel Psychology reads, Sure, its a great place to socialise and keep connected, but it can also create a false perception of reality. After all, youre only seeing the highlights of other peoples lives.

Explaining how social media can cause anxiety and why taking a break from it can be beneficial, it added, Social media is a way for people to prove how successful, pretty, likeable, or confident they are, and sometimes that creates competition in terms of how many likes, views, or comments they get. This situation can lead to constant posting, checking and worrying. Taking a step back from that routine can give [people] the time to relax and break this toxic cycle.

Undoubtedly, it is essential to take a break from social media- to recognise how much time we spend on it while wishing we had a bit more time to dedicate to our hobbies, finish work so we can log off calmly or finally finish decluttering our homes. In fact, some of the study participants revealed that taking a seven-day break from social media allowed them to free up around nine hours every week.

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See the article here:
Take a week-long break from social media to reduce anxiety and depression, study says - The Indian Express

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