Visual Information is a Fundamental Element in Learning

This case study, presented byThe MirandaNet Fellowship,investigates whether the growing use of BrainPOP videos, gaming and quizzes enriches studentlearning and, if so, what can be done to improve thepractice further.

The study points out that while manyteachers and studentsagreed thatmost of the aspects of BrainPOP produce effective learning, there was one significant difference regarding games. Many teachers did not speak to the the effectiveness ofgame-based-learning, despite the fact that many of their students played them as much as they watched BrainPOP videos.

The research describesthe realization from teachers observing their students that playing the games on devices is often a more absorbing and quieter activity than playing/watching the videos. This led to revisions around classroom balance between games and video.

The MirandaNet Fellowship offers professionals engaged with digital technologies a means of informal networking and professional development as well as opportunities for research and consultancy. MirandaNet is a global network based in London, UK.

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Visual Information is a Fundamental Element in Learning

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