A perspective on socialism – The Spokesman-Review

In the Spokesman-Review paper of Jan. 18, 2021, page A6, there was an article by the Associated Press titled Little Old West Virginia Sets Pace on Vaccine Rollout.

As I was reading this article a light bulb went on in my head this article perfectly describes capitalism vs socialism and what a great example that was! There is no contest in the private sectors ability to meet the needs of the people (i.e., capitalism) vs. the governments ability to timely meet the needs of the people (i.e., socialism). Capitalism wins hands down!

Socialism is so encumbered with politics and power plays that peoples needs are not very high on the priority list. This is particularly true when you realize individual choice is absent in socialism All the folks who believe they can live off the governments largess are just fooling themselves.

There is nothing in this world for free. Someone always pays the price.

Kathleen Ochs


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A perspective on socialism - The Spokesman-Review

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