ARYANISM | National Socialism and Nazism

A great idea had been misused by small men. Himmler was the evil symbol of that. Alfred Rosenberg

National Socialism is theideology which Hitlerappliedin Germany from becoming Chancellor in 1933 until WWII destroyedthe NSDAPregime in 1945. Nazism, on the other hand, is a separate phenomenon which occurred after WWII ended: the result of Zionist Allied wartime propagandato demonize National Socialist Germany combinedwith selective confessions elicited via deception and duress during the Nuremberg Trials, which subsequently became the official version of Hitlerismfor the Zionist Allies in WWII, the backdrop to the endless stream of Holocaust fiction. This misrepresentationwas then applied by some British and American racists who saw in Nazisma reactionary solution to petty fears of their day (for Britain theloss of empire and the influx of immigrants, for America the 1960s Civil Rights movement). Thus, Nazism a malicious distortion of National Socialism originating in Zionist Allied countries, consisting of traditional Westernbigotry decorated with anachronistic Germanic symbols, and later ironically spread back(!) into Germany(e.g. NPD) has largely replaced authentic National Socialism in the worlds eyes and become the ideology of modern neo-Nazis.

If people actually bothered to calm down and think, they would realize that National Socialism, which condemns democracy, could not possibly be compatible with belief in white superiority, considering that democracy was auniquely white creation.

The easy way to distinguish neo-Nazis and authentic National Socialists from the mainstream is thatboth wish that the Third Reich had been victoriousin WWII, rather than the Allies.But the easy way to distinguishneo-Nazis from authentic National Socialistsis that, whereas they (neo-Nazis) wish theThird Reichhad won because they believe the Third Reichwas more racist than the Allies, we (authentic National Socialists) wish theThird Reichhad won because we believe theThird Reich, which was already practicing integrationin the 1930s, and which despised Western treatment of colonized peoples, was less racist than the Allies, which were still practicing segregation during the same period, and which refused to admit Western wrongdoing towards the colonized.Whereas neo-Nazis want to vindicate Hitler by making racism socially acceptable, authentic National Socialists want to vindicate Hitler by showing that he actually fought against the racism of his era.

I do not agree that the dog in a manger has the final right to the manger even though he may have lain there for a very long time. I do not admit that right. I do not admit for instance, that a great wrong has been done to the Red Indians of America or the black people of Australia. I do not admit that a wrong has been done to these people by the fact that a stronger race, a higher-grade race, a more worldly wise race to put it that way, has come in and taken their place. Winston Churchill (Jew)

I am strongly of the opinion Negroes ought to be in Africa, yellow men in Asia and white men in Europe and America. Harry Truman (Jew)

External link: Black Nazis! A Study of Racial Ambivalence in Nazi Germanys Military Establishment

Whyare scenes like thisneverdepictedin Hollywood movierenditions of Nazi Germany?

And why dontHollywood moviesmentionhow the propaganda of National Socialist Germanystereotyped the US astheKlu Klux Klan?

Indeed the attitude of the NSDAP, as seen inits celebration ofthe fact that the swastika was used by ancient cultures in almost every continent, and moreover in its various research expeditionsto distant locations (including Japan,the Himalayas, South America, etc.) to search forsigns of prehistoric Aryan settlements, was to useracial theory as a way to connect Germanswith non-Jews of other nationalities all over the world by emphasizing hypothetical common roots cutting across ethnic lines,in stark contrast to the traditional Western approach (Jim Crow, Apartheid, White Australia Policy, etc.) of using racial theory to emphasize ethnic differences. In short, it was the West that stood for racism and National Socialist Germany whichstood for non-racism the total opposite of what is popularly presented.

In order to prevent the truth getting out, Zionist media had to claim insteadthat Hitler wastrying tobuild UFO bases or findthe Holy Grail(see Indiana Jones movies for details..).

Whereas it was a standard practice of mainstream Westernmedia of the timeto disparagingly portrayblack people as subhuman apes, Hitler made a point of not onlyrejecting this view but moreover turning the negative stereotypes back on their creators. For example, two of themostcommon colonial-eranegative stereotypes about black people were that they are unhygeinic and superstitious. To the first, Hitler retorted: In the state of nature, negroes are very clean. To a missionary, the smell of dirt is agreeable. From this point of view, they themselves are the dirtiest swine of all. They have a horror of water. To the second, Hitler retorted: A negro with his tabus is crushingly superior to the human being who seriously believes in Transubstantiation.As such,neo-Nazis (who unanimously look down on black people as a group) are in fact much more closely aligned with the traditional Western worldview than with Hitlers worldview. Authentic National Socialists oppose ethnic stereotyping and will always defend victims of ethnic stereotyping.

In relation to Jewry, neo-Nazis see no fundamental problem with Jewish tribalism but only encourage similar tribalism among theirown groups,in contrast to authentic National Socialists who simply oppose Jewish (and all) tribalism. In relation to Christianity, neo-Nazis believe that the New Testament is the mainproblem, in contrast to authentic National Socialists who believe that the Old Testament (a.k.a. Tanakh) is the main problem. Similar inversions can be found acrossa widerange of issues. The only point on which neo-Nazis and authentic National Socialists happen to agree is anti-democracy, and even then for opposite reasons: authentic National Socialists consider the majorityof peopletoo self-interested; neo-Nazis consider the majorityof peoplenot self-interested enough!

Hitler warned us: The Jew has demonstrated an uncanny ability to sniff out like a bloodhound anything which was dangerous to him. Having found it, he uses all his cunning to get at it, to divert it, to change its nature, or, at least, to deflect its point from its goal. Schopenhauer called the Jew the dregs of mankind, a beast, the great master of the lie. How does the Jew respond? He establishes a Schopenhauer Society. Andin the same way that Jews reacted to Schopenhauer who merely exposed the Jewish problem, they have since the end of WWII even more viciouslyreacted to National Socialism that offers us a realistic solution to it.

1930s Nationalism vs 2010s Nationalism

The essential English leadership secret does not depend on particular intelligence. Rather, it depends on a remarkably stupid thick-headedness. The English follow the principle that when one lies, one should lie big, and stick to it. Joseph Goebbels

At thecore oftheconfusion is popular failure to recognize that nationalism in thepre-WWII period refers to a completely differentidea than whatis commonly and erroneously* called nationalism in the present day. 1930s Nationalism was about achieving total economic and politicalindependence (autarky and autonomy) for a country as opposed to bondage by international banking and finance or thrall by foreign powers. This was the origin of Hitlers German folkish state: a rejection of the Treaty of Versailles(whose contentshe bitterly describedas: Instead of general reconciliation, punishment of the defeated. Instead of international disarmament, the disarmament of the vanquished. Instead of general security, security of the victors.) and, by extension, all the assumptions of Western civilization underlying it. On the other hand, 2010s Nationalism more accurately identitarianism -is mostly about sowing division within a country between so-called indigenous-descended and so-called immigrant-descended, and agitating hostility towardsthe latter by the former.If anyone politicianof theprevious generationis tobeheld to account for promoting this attitude, it should be Enoch Powell (Gentile), not Hitler.

(* This does not include genuine present-day nationalist parties such as Sinn Fein in Ireland or the SNP in Scotland. As a matter of trivia, Arthur Donaldson of the SNP sided with National Socialist Germany in WWII.)

Needless to say, the objectives of 1930s Nationalism and 2010s Nationalismare fundamentally incompatible. In order to achieve independence for acountry, as the 1930s Nationalists intend, it is necessary to firstachieve unity within the country; in Hitlers own words: The national government will regard its first and foremost duty to restore the unity of spirit and purpose of our folk.This is political common sense: a country divided within isa country susceptible to influence by foreign states backing one or other side (or even all sides) of the civil strife.Even the pre-NSDAP groupswere avowedbelievers in the importance of national unification; the old DAP of Anton Drexler, for example, was founded on the idea of rapport among all members of society in Germany, burying all old quarrels and making a fresh start together, as Alfred Rosenberg recalls: Drexler was not any too well acquainted with economic problems, but he was a man with a simple, direct heart. As a toolmaker foreman in one of the machine shops of the German railroads, he had personally experienced a great many of the sorrows and cares of the German workingman, and understood that any solution to the problem depended upon the unity of the entire people. Yet national unification is, of course,the exact opposite of what the 2010s Nationalists are doing by theirspreading of distrust, stereotypingand self-segregation along ethnic lines. Hence it has often been joked that, had neo-Nazis actually lived in National Socialist Germany, they would have been together with Jews and Gypsies -among the first groupsthrown into concentration camps by Hitler.

The confusion is then worsened by many neo-Naziscalling themselves National Socialists thinking that it sounds cooler. Bottom line: if you are a racist, you are for national division rather than nationalunification, and therefore you are not a National Socialist.

This commenter gets it.

This poster gets it.

While neo-Nazism itself has remained a fringe phenomenon in the politics of most countries (the only exception so farbeing the openly racist Golden Dawn in Greece),it has indirectly benefited opportunistic racists (including the aforementioned 2010s Nationalists) who have perniciously set up anti-racists as one extreme and neo-Nazis as the other extreme, and thenpresented their so-called common sense racism as a false middle ground, thus generating interethnicconflicts exactly in accord with the Zionist agenda. While many anti-racistsbelieve that the best way to combat racism todayis to denounceHitler ever more vehemently, we disagree. We believe that the rise of neo-Nazism and racism in generalshould be courageously met with the return of a reborn authentic National Socialism, whereupon the impostor will easily be destroyed by the real thing. Thereforebe not distracted by neo-Nazi attempts to pass for authentic National Socialists with meaningless platitudes about how they dont hate people of other ethnicities; as long as they are even abstractly separatingpeopleliving in the same countryinto ethnic categories and proposing discriminatory policies based on such categories, they are neo-Nazis and no better thanthe Jews in Israel who do exactly the same thing.

Kampfers vs Mein Kampfers

National-Socialist Germany what it had evolved to be by the beginning of The First Zionist War was a modern mostly unconscious expression of the numinous, honourable, warrior ethos, and stood in complete and stark contrast to the materialism, the hubris, of the West, represented by the arrogant, profane, White Hordes of Homo Hubris. David Myatt

Why did the Zionist Allies, who on one hand suppressed so much information about National Socialist Germany (to this day many official documents of the regime remain locked away, andothershave been burned), on the other hand actively promote Mein Kampf as the one-stop sourcefor learning about Nazism?Can you figure out what is going on?

Awarenessof authentic National Socialism as a systemwholly distinct fromNazism was initially restricted to a few apolitical historians, whose main advantage overthe neo-Nazis was that they studied the real policies of National Socialist Germany post-1933 and the factional power plays within the NSDAP, as opposed toassuming that Hitler personally read and authorized every statement made or action taken by every single subdivision in National Socialist Germany (when in reality Hitler was far too busy with the major issues to monitor minor affairs), or worse, that National Socialism is defined by whatever iswrittenin Mein Kampf. It was the Allied Powers which had actively reinforced among Weimar Germans the idea that they were fellow white people(via propaganda such as 1910s-1920s Hollywood movies with their notoriously demeaning portrayals of ethnic minorities), as thisobscured the reality that the Weimar Republic itself was inall but namea Western colonial possession no different than non-white colonies such as India, Algeria, Kenya, etc.. (This is the same trick as the House vs Field trick applied to slaves in Antebellum-era US.) The masses whohad alreadybought into this viewpoint were, unfortunately, the masses whom Hitler had to say whatever it might take to get them to vote NSDAP, and it is this which accounts forthefewbigoted statements that can be found in Mein Kampf, as well as why Hitler in later yearswanted it removed from circulation, as Otto Wagener recalled.

The society which was created after the NSDAP achieved power was in many ways a compromise. Hitler himself admitted (to Leon Degrelle among others) that it would be the next generation the Hitler Youth generation which would create a genuine National-Socialist society. Organizations such as the SS and the Hitler Youth were steps toward the creation of such a National-Socialist society, and it was these organizations which implemented the ideal of personal honour, and respect for others, of whatever race and culture. As Hitler and his true followers, such as Rudolf Hess, matured in understanding, so too did National-Socialism. National-Socialism was not born, fully-developed and fully-understood, in the early years of the NSDAP it developed slowly, over several decades. Thus, as Hitler admitted, Mein Kampf was never intended to be some kind of bible of National-Socialism: it was the product of its time. David Myatt

Yetamong these historians who understood all of the above (ie. that Eurocentrism was certainly not something that Hitler started, butwas ratherthe status-quoin the Weimar Republic and which Hitler thus had to reluctantly flow withprior to achieving power), most either lacked the philosophical perception to see the abstract unifying principles underlying the policies and party decisions, ordid not wish to compromise their academic impartiality by taking on philosophical beliefs. Thus while they knew what National Socialism was not,onlythe fewest of them allowed themselves to seewhat it truly was.

External link: Gnostic Origins of Alfred Rosenbergs Thought

Theother camp claiming torepresent National Socialism were the few eccentric ideologists commonly known as esoteric Hitlerists, who unlike the historians were unafraid to make bold philosophical speculations from the outset, albeit often cloaked in mystic language. But they could not even agree with each otherwhat was canonical National Socialism, beyond shared acknowledgementthat it was nothing like Nazism. In fairness, within Hitlerscabinethad been similarly dramatic ideological divergence and corresponding personal feuds and factional rivalries, which became so bad in the later years that Hitler eventually had to stop issuing written orders to his subordinates so that they could not possess any physical documentation of his views to use as ammunition against each other. This breakdown in communication was further exacerbated by the traitor Martin Bormann, as Alfred Rosenberg recalled: It had become completely impossible to see the Fuehrer. Every attempt to do so was thwarted by Bormann, under the pretext that Hitler was too busy with war problems. This led to a humourous claim of the timethat there were as many versions of National Socialism as NSDAP members,most of whom Joseph Goebbels evaluated with pessimism: Not one of them has the qualities of a mediocre politician, to say nothing of the calibre of a statesman. They have all remained the beer cellar rowdies they always were. Among these, the Zionists of course chose the worst (e.g. the traitor Heinrich Himmler, whom everyone else in the cabinet hated) to officially represent the party.

While some communication occurred between the esoteric Hitlerists and a few honest leaders of neo-Nazi groups shortly after WWII, itquickly became apparent (to the dismay of both parties) thatbloc-conversion of neo-Nazis to authentic National Socialists was not feasible, for the very reason that the vast majority of those attractedby Nazism had exactly the wrong type of personality for National Socialism.

Dear Savitri, You simply must try to understand the almost unbelievable difficulties I face in working here with Americans they are just plain ignorant and often unbelievably dumb. George Lincoln Rockwell

I am forced to walk a careful line between what I should like to say and what the enemy would like to hear me say. Unless I deliberately sound at least halfway like a raving illiterate with three loose screws, such an interview would never be printed. This is another thing that most people fail to understand about my Nazi technique. George Lincoln Rockwell

National Socialist whopretended to bea neo-Naziin order to more easily get numerical support against Jewish power. Result: Zionist agents saw through the ruse and assassinated himso thathe would be replacedbyhis followers, who are actual neo-Nazis.(The same thing happened to Malcolm Xwho had around the same timealso revealed his rejection of racism.)

Correspondingly, those with personalities most suitable for National Socialism were exactly those most likely to be put off by Nazism andhence unlikely to study the subject deeply enough to discover the misrepresentation. This simple Zionist trick of associating a noble ideology with aselectively repellentlabel has madegaining support for authentic National Socialism extraordinarily difficult. This trick is hardly new. The same has been done with Gnostic Christianity- the true teachings of Jesus being given the label Luciferianism which is then deliberately mixed up with Satanism, with similar effects. Indeed,perhaps thesimplest way of putting it is to say that neo-Nazism is to authentic National Socialismas Judeo-Christianity is to Gnostic Christianity.

For example, authentic National SocialistsviewMuslims asallies by default, both remembering the former support of Hitlerfrom the worldwide Islamic community and seeing the continuing sacrifices of Muslims in their struggle against Zionism. Neo-Nazis, on the other hand, typically hate Muslims out of plain xenophobia, and are instead typically fans of historicalslaughterers of Muslimssuch as Charles Martel (whom Hitler wishes had lost hisbattle), Ferdinand and Isabella (Isabella the Catholic the greatest harlot in history Adolf Hitler),or VladTepes a.k.a. Dracula (no comment necessary..). When David Myatt personally converted to Islam, hoping to lead by example and reforge this much-needed alliance for the 21st century, neo-Nazis responded bycalling him a traitor and slandering him in many ways.

The sad fact is that there is little truth, little truthful knowledge, in the West, about either Islam or National-Socialism. Adherents of authentic Islam, the Islam of Jihad and Khilafah, are the natural allies of honourable, genuine, National-Socialists, and the fact that most who call themselves National Socialists neither understood nor feel this just showshow successful the Zionists have been in manipulating the peoples of the West and how successful their anti-NS propaganda has been, for this propaganda has obscured, for most peoples, the honourable, non-racist, reality of National-Socialism itself. David Myatt

Every single country thatNational Socialist Germany attackedwas a white country, including most ofthe major Western colonial powers thattogethermaintained whitehegemonyaroundmost of the world at the turn of the 20th century and whichwould have lasted to this day if not for Hitler. Yet neo-Nazis somehow manage toconvince themselves thatNational Socialism isabout advancingwhite interests..

On the other hand, many neo-Nazis have an extremelyhigh opinion ofRussia and other formerEastern Bloccountries due to their relativelygreater preservation oftradition (especially traditional gender roles). Some, who call themselves National Bolsheviks,are even fans of Stalin! Thisin stark contrast to the NSDAPs relatively low opinion of thesecountries and indeedits emphasis on defending Germany from their influence, to say nothing of Stalin being one of Hitlers greatest enemies in WWII, about whom Hitler said: Stalin pretends to have been the herald of the Bolshevik revolution. In actual fact, he identifies himself with the Russia of the Tsars, and he has merely resurrected the tradition of Pan-Slavism. For him Bolshevism is only a means, a disguise designed to trick the Germanic and Latin peoples. Neo-Nazis especially dislike being reminded that, during WWII,National Socialist Germany sided with the (mostly Muslim) Chechens(whom Stalin persecuted) against the Russians, just as Hitler himself as aschoolboy sided with Japan in the Russo-Japanese war, in his own words: When we learnt of the fall of Port Arthur, the little Czechs in my class at school weptwhile the rest of us exulted! It was then that my feeling for Japan was born. While present-day authentic National Socialists harbour no ill will towards present-day former Eastern Bloc countries, we certainly do notconsider their tendency towards traditionalism something worth admiring or emulating.

The ethnic mixture that we called Russia before 1917 and the Soviet Union thereafter has been a riddle to our part of the world. That had nothing to do with tsarism then or Bolshevism today. It simply has to do with the fact that the various peoples joined together in this monster of a nation are not a folk in our sense of the word. The average person has less worth than a bicycle. A rapid birthrate quickly replaces any losses. They have a type of primitive toughness that one cannot call bravery. It is entirely different. Bravery is a kind of spiritual courage. The toughness with which the Bolshevists defended their bunkers in Sevastapol was more a bestial drive, and nothing could be more mistaken than to assume that it was the result of Bolshevist views or education. The Russians were always like that. Joseph Goebbels

With the Russian, there is an instinctive force that invariably leads him back to the state of nature. For the Russian, the return to the state of nature is a return to primitive forms of life. The family exists, the female looks after her children, like the female of the hare. Adolf Hitler

In Hungary, National Socialism could not be exported. In the mass, the Hungarian is as lazy as the Russian. Hes by nature a man of the steppe. Adolf Hitler

Ribbentrop, if I come to terms with Russia today I shall only attack her again tomorrow I simply cant help it. Adolf Hitler

Stalinist propaganda retorted byportraying Hitler as an Ogre-Vegetarian.

Adding further confusionare the Strasserists, who supposedly accept the authentic National Socialist portrayal of Hitler rather than the neo-Nazi portrayal, but then argue that Hitler himself is a traitor to what National Socialism was meant tobe according toits true foundersGregor and OttoStrasser, whose ideologyHitler supposedly usurped. Thus theymake a double U-turn to arrive back at what is essentiallyneo-Nazism (minus Hitler). (Strasserism itself is far from a clearly defined movement, considering that Gregor supported the Kapp Putsch whereas Otto opposed it, so nobody is really sure which Strasser brother represents canonical Strasserism..)

As if things werent complicated enough already..

The next significant mark in the revival of authentic National Socialism is recent, beginning with 21st century anti-Zionistslooking forpositive political options and culminating in the short-lived OWNP (One World Nazi Party). Its explicitly multiethnic presentation was unprecedentedly effectivein breakingthe monoethnic stereotype, and once and for all drew a definitive line between authentic National Socialists and neo-Nazis, but did not result in mass conversion to authentic National Socialism.The majority of anti-Zionistsof that time came from the post-9/11 truthseeker circles and thusprided themselvesin theirscepticism, a quality which enabled them tounravel Jewish conspiracies in the first place, but which by the same token made it hard for them to take theidealistic leap of faith necessary for an ideology as radical as National Socialism. Instead, many of them preferred tosuspect Hitlerhimself of beinga Zionist agent or even a Jew somego asfar astopromote rumours thathe was an illegitimate Rothschild.

If one enters a military operation with the mental reservation : Caution! this may fail, then you may be quite certain that itwill fail. To force a decision one must enter a battle with a conviction of victory and the determination to achieve it, regardless of the hazards. Adolf Hitler

OWNP banners (2009)

It is from this background that the true struggle the Kampfof the 21st century -continues today in the hands of a few dedicated souls. We are slowlygrowing in number, but so are the neo-Nazis, and it would seem that they are growing faster than we are. We do not have much time left. We need to become a real political force within a matter of years, or else thespirit of authentic National Socialism will be drownedbeneathan ugly delugeof the far-right, perhaps never to recover again.

Aryanism vs Foppery

I distrust officers who have exaggeratedly theoretical minds. Id like to know what becomes of their theories at the moment of action. Adolf Hitler

To us it is clear that little further progress will be made so long as the discussion continues totolerate academics interested only in endless historical nitpicking, barbarians prepared todebase National Socialism to thelowest possible level in order tosuit themselves, and cynics who join the conversation withoutactually believing that the ideologyis viable. So how should we proceed? Rudolf Hess provides asolution thatwe recommend: Do not seek Adolf Hitler with your mind. Youwill find him through the strength of your hearts!

Aryanism categorically rejects reconstructing National Socialism fromhistory alone, for we proposeit is buta name forthe onepolitical system thatwill inevitablybe expressed bytruly noble thinking.In this we resonate with the last warning of Jutta Ruediger before her death:National Socialism is not repeatable. One can take over only the values which we espoused: comradeship, readiness to support one another, bravery, self-discipline, and not least honour and loyalty. Apart from these, each young person must find their way alone. We seek not those who convert to Hitlerism from without, but those who have sought their own path from withinonly to finallyseethat Hitler walked a parallel path in his own time.Furthermore, we emphasizehow what we saw in National Socialist Germany was hardly the completed system, but only the tiniest first steps towards it. David Myatt saw this when he said:The duty the wyrd of Vindex and of the clans of Vindex is not to strive to try and restore some romantic idealized past or even be in thrall to some perceived wyrdful, often numinous-filled, past way of living, such as that which Adolf Hitler brought to Germany but rather to establish an entirely new and conscious and thus more potent expression of the numinous itself.

Wewho live today on the one hand have more detailedinformation on genetics and other subjectsthan the NSDAP ever had,andon the other handface situations of a scale and of a gravity that Hitler never had to deal with,from global resource shortages toa nuclear-armed Israel. If we are in this to change the world for the better, then the only worthwhile discussion for us isnot what National Socialism was or is, but what it should be and what it needs to be. With three words UNITY THROUGH NOBILITY -the Aryanist movementhas already begun this discussion, and we welcome all who agree with our motto to contribute to our work.

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