Carrick best reads: Income splitting is socialism for the wealthy

The best of the web on money, markets and all things financial, as chosen daily by Globe and Mail personal finance columnist Rob Carrick

Income splitting is socialism for the wealthyA former speechwriter for Prime Minister Stephen Harper says here that family income splitting looks like we're favouring the wealthy, paying lip service to the middle class, and thumbing our noses at the poor.

Seniors arent doing what you think with their housesA study of retirees found some surprising things. For example, most who moved last year did not head to a warmer climate. Also, only half of those who moved downsized their home.

Should we offer loans to help parents afford daycare?This blog post looks at the idea of helping middle-class parents afford daycare costs by offering them loans. Benefits: Easing the short-term financial squeeze on parents of young kids, and building the tax base by keeping parents in the workforce.

What to do if you have insurance policy buyers remorseAll about the 10-day free look period for buyers of insurance. It allows you cancel your policy for 10 days after delivery of your policy.

More money Join the people who are part of my Facebook personal finance community for talk about investing, retirement, real estate, banking and other financial matters. Im also on Twitter.

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Carrick best reads: Income splitting is socialism for the wealthy

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