COD, June 30, 2017: Socialism and free market coexist –

Socialism and free market coexist

In his recent letter, Democrats are teaching the kids, about the divisions we are currently experiencing in the U.S., Bob Baird imparts misinformation and confusion. He states that today, the battle is over whether America continues to exist as a constitutional republic or if we move into socialism. There is no compromise or middle ground between the two. To many, the word socialism means communism or statism. Modern socialism, in contrast to the classic version, is neither.

Modern socialism, at least in most countries such as Denmark or Canada, coexists with a relatively free-market economy. In such countries there is significant government intervention in the economy, but business interests are valued and promoted.

This larger role for government has indeed become a fact of life here in America, especially since the Great Depression. This is not the result of some liberal plot to abolish individual liberty and turn our constitutional republic into an autocratic or tyrannical state.

The measures that led some citizens to decry socialism Social Security, Medicare, food stamps, environmental regulations, etc. were enacted by popularly elected officials. These representatives were responding to the needs and demands of a public that had learned that unfettered capitalism would not lead to a society worthy of our ideals.

Americans value individual liberty, but we also value equality of opportunity and individual dignity. We, like most advanced countries, have chosen that very middle ground that Baird denies.

We will continue to debate and seek the optimum balance between governmental and individual responsibility as we continue to build a more perfect union.

If Baird wishes to ensure the health of our constitutional republic, he might address such real problems as partisan redistricting, the need for constant fundraising, the excessive influence of lobbyists, and extreme inequality.

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COD, June 30, 2017: Socialism and free market coexist -

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