Hawkins: What price for Socialism? – Today’s News-Herald

Ive heard the debate about whether Social Security and Medicare are entitlements or rights. Ive come to the conclusion that this debate really doesnt matter. Both programs are designed to fail just as Obamacare has failed and fiat money will fail. They are both Ponzi schemes and all Ponzi schemes end badly, particularly for the newer members coerced into the schemes. We are now below three taxpayers for every Social Security recipient and the number of taxpayers per recipient will continue to decrease. There are no reserves in the mislabeled trust funds and more benefits are handed out to recipients annually than taken in through working taxpayers under FICA and SECA taxation. This means the general fund makes up the differences that add to our ever growing national debt. Socialism has its price which usually is an economic collapse.

Now is the time for We the People to come to terms with our responsibility as sovereigns of this nation to try and save it or continue the Alfred E. Neuman philosophy of what, me worry? while we continue listening to the fake news and politicians feeding us lies and distractions.

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Hawkins: What price for Socialism? - Today's News-Herald

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