John P. Stoltenberg: Affordable Care Act has nothing to do with socialism

Dear Editor: In my opinion, the Affordable Care Act is another example of the ongoing failure of the dysfunctional and failing capitalist economic system. Also, it is another example of the gross mismanagement of the dysfunctional and failing capitalist economic system by the sociopaths in the ruling fascist capitalist oligarchy.

Consider this. The Affordable Care Act is a badly bungled attempt to reform capitalism to make capitalism bearable for the working class. Also, and this is a very important point, it operates completely within the framework of capitalism. In addition, it operates for the sole benefit of a few select capitalist corporations. Reforms to capitalism that operate completely within the framework of capitalism for the benefit of capitalist corporations have absolutely nothing to do with socialism. Socialism is not about reforming capitalism and/or providing fat profits for capitalist corporations. Socialism is an economic system wherein all capital is owned by all of the people and democratically managed by all of the people. Socialism is about abolishing wage slavery. Socialism is about ending the brutal exploitation that enriches the capitalist class and impoverishes the working class. Therefore, the Affordable Care Act has absolutely nothing to do with socialism. It is a failure of capitalism not socialism.

Isnt capitalism wonderful! Look at all it is doing for us!

John P. Stoltenberg

Elkhart Lake

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John P. Stoltenberg: Affordable Care Act has nothing to do with socialism

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