Letter: In US, socialism has many faces – Grand Forks Herald

There are two different versions of socialism and as a country, the people who are so terrified of socialism benefit from socialism every day.

Corporate socialism is alive and well in the US and is the good socialism. Banks can always rely on the government bailing them out. Farmers can always count on the government to bail them out if they have crop failures or if they need subsidies to maintain their prices. Large corporations, especially energy companies, can always count on corporate socialism to make sure they get their subsidies and tax breaks. The medical industry can always count on the government to fill in when people cannot afford their premiums, or their plans provide poor coverage. Most of the developments in research that all major tech industry use come from research by the US government.

I can certainly go on and on about how the government is indispensable for all these people who deride socialism. When it comes to social efforts to help the general population, everyone goes crazy and claims that we are becoming Cuba or Venezuela. Government providing health care is bad socialism. Government fighting climate change sounds like bad socialism. Government working to provide a better living standard for all Americans is bad socialism. Government attempting to support more equity in public education is bad socialism

So be clear, we like socialism but only a socialism that helps me directly but is wrong for the general population.

Excerpt from:
Letter: In US, socialism has many faces - Grand Forks Herald

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