Letter: Let’s clear up confusion over nature of socialism – Reading Eagle


Theres so much confusion of economics with political systems. Can there be authoritarianism with a more or less socialist economic system? Sure. Its called state capitalism, although we tend to call it communism. Like Eden since the Fall, Marxist paradise has never been tried out. Its lost.

Can there be authoritarianism with a more or less capitalist economic system? Sure. Its called fascism. Ditto in the other direction, a more or less socialist economic system with a democratic form of government, confusingly called socialism, and a more or less capitalist economic system with a democratic form of government, confusingly called democracy.

So because Cuba, whence I come, is mired in the tyranny of communism does not mean that socialist countries in which democracy is the form of government cannot exist. The U.S. has had socialist elements for a long time, from public schools to public highways, from Social Security to Medicare and Medicaid. Some countries, notably European ones but also elsewhere, have more substantial socialist underpinnings.

Socialism does not mean tyranny. Tyranny means tyranny.

Alberto Cacicedo


See more here:
Letter: Let's clear up confusion over nature of socialism - Reading Eagle

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