Letter: Thankfully, America avoided socialism – Amarillo.com

Democrats and Republicans agree that a republic requires at least two strong political parties to provide checks and balances as provided by our U.S. Constitution.

In the 20th century, Saul Alinsky emerged as the strong operator of the international Socialist Party with a base located in Chicago. After examining the Communist Party in Chicago, Alinsky deemed them too soft to operate and he became a labor organizer. His organization later recruited Barack Obama.

In 1969, then-Hillary Rodham wrote a senior thesis about Alinsky, There Is Only the Fight: An Analysis of the Alinsky Model.

Alinsky never met Obama, but the Washington Post reported that Hillary kept her related connections while she was in the White House as first lady.

When the recent presidential election started looking tough enough to lose, the Socialist Party, headed by Bernie Sanders, put up a fight. However, the truths came out, and our country narrowly avoided being governed by proven socialists.

Thankfully, we still have our republic. And God Bless America.

Dick Bittman


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Letter: Thankfully, America avoided socialism - Amarillo.com

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