Letter: The fast track to socialism

Editor, Gazette-Journal:

Can freedom survive?

That is a question each of us should ask ourselves. I assure you that freedom will not survive if we separate ourselves from the political process and let big government continue on the course to socialism. There are forces at work inside and outside government promoting the destruction of our Constitution which has been the foundation of our freedom since its inception. Chief among the assurances provided by the Constitution is the protection of property rights. Most people think of property as land, home, car, etc. In truth, property rights are much more.

Property in a thing consists not merely in its ownership and possession, but in the unrestricted right of use, enjoyment and disposal. Anything which destroys any elements of property, to that extent, destroys the property itself. The substantial value of property lies in its use. If the right of use be denied, the value of the property is annihilated and ownership is rendered a barren right.

That definition was issued in a State of Washington Supreme Courts 1972 property rights case. It not only defines the real value of property, it also defines how it can be violated and destroyed. Since it comes from a legal decision, it has great credibility rather than just opinion.

In years past, all levels of government understood this and protected our rights. Im not sure thats true anymore. Property rights are the single most distinguishing thing that makes America different from other countries. In order for America to be moved into a one-world government (new world order) property rights must first be destroyed. That is on the fast track now through unrealistic regulations.

DeWitt Edwards

Mathews, Va.

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Letter: The fast track to socialism

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