Letter to the editor: Maybe socialistic enclaves in resort areas are the answer – Summit Daily

Resort areas have serious common problems, such as a low-wage housing (recently called workforce housing) shortage. I know. Even some families with adequate wages cant find a place to live. So, workforce is more encompassing a term. Most ideas for alleviating such issues are criticized as creeping socialism and are therefore un-American and unwanted, say the strict capitalists. Simply acknowledging that the makeup of a resort area requires more than the usual dose of socialism does not sit well with the purists.

Perhaps there is a solution after all. Suppose laws were passed to allow for an individual major resort area to opt to have a socialistic government, i.e., to be a socialistic enclave. The rest of the country would remain capitalistic, with all of the attributes of free enterprise. All of the typical coastline and mountainous resorts could qualify as socialistic enclaves.

Specifically, all businesses would have to sell out to the local government, which would provide cradle to grave everything to its residents. The system would work because it would have the key ingredient necessary to sustain itself. That ingredient is a constant influx of money from outside of the enclave, namely tourism. The size and growth of the enclave would be automatically controlled by the amount of the annual influx of tourist money. Even better would be if some natural resource or physical product is available and exported, such as mining products.

Just think how peaceful it would be if the capitalist and socialists could both have their desires in such a segmented manner. The capitalists could then concentrate on reversing socialistic programs in their domain. They could start with the carbon tax, the spending of taxes for wokeness programs, all the way back to FDRs New Deal. You think?

Read more from the original source:
Letter to the editor: Maybe socialistic enclaves in resort areas are the answer - Summit Daily

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