Letter to the Editor: Our yearn for socialism will kill us – Carolinacoastonline

Harlowe, N.C.

Aug. 16, 2017


This great nation, the United States of America, is well on its way to becoming a communist/socialist nation. Its following in the footsteps of Hitlers Germany and Maos China.

They first took over the youth in those countries. Hitler took the children from their parents when the children were 4-years-old. They put them in special training schools where they were taught communistic ways, which in theory is a system of the ownership of all property by the community as a whole or under one control.

They gave the children back to their parents when the children were 12-years-old. By that time, their thoughts and habits of life were set in stone. The children rebelled against their parents and all authority that did not conform to communism.

Then they destroyed all statues that showed honor to past heroes who gave their lives to the founding of those countries. Then they destroyed all history books that showed how the countries were established and they replaced the books with those teaching communism.

I dont know what is being taught in kindergarten through 12th grade in our schools, but I do know that 98% of what is being taught by our college professors in socialism. In theory, socialism is the ownership, operation, production and distribution by society rather than by private individuals.

Both socialism and communism destroy and put an end to all values that the people of this great nation had long fought and died for. They kill the ambitions and individual pride in self accomplishments, uniqueness and independent nature of its citizens. During both Hitlers and Maos first year in power, they destroyed millions of their own people.

If socialism and communism are so great, why are so many people who live under those conditions tearing down walls to come and live in the United States?

I am 89-years-old and I have predicted that this unrest in this country, by people who have lost the values of their parents and forefathers, would one day destroy this country. I didnt think that it would happen during my lifetime, but with todays movement in this country, Im not so sure that it wont happen during my lifetime.

To the youth and unrest in this country: Be careful what you wish for; it may come back to haunt you.


Continued here:
Letter to the Editor: Our yearn for socialism will kill us - Carolinacoastonline

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