Letters, April 17: ‘The energy add-ons are putting us in the poorhouse’ – Calgary Sun
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KILLER FEESWhen will our provincial politicians understand it is not the actual price per kilowatt of energy, or the price per kilojoule of natural gas that is killing consumers? It is all the add on fees like administration levies and distribution fees; (plus) more that makes gas and electricity so expensive for every homeowner. Then there is GST and carbon tax, or tax on a tax, to make things worse. The UCP will enact a rebate, next winter, should the prices go over a pre-determined price. Again, the base price is not the root of the problem. If gas and electricity was free and consumers had to just pay for all the add ons, heating and lighting a home would still be very pricey. And then there is idiot Justin Trudeau. He only believes the CT is only found at the gas pumps when filling, or on the natural gas bill. He clearly does not understand how the CT can be found and is attached onto every item associated with everyday life. Why? Because Trudeau has not paid for anything out of his own pocket since 2015. And before that is questionable as well. Canadian taxpayers are filling his pantry and fridge, as well as heating and lighting Rideau Cottage. So Trudeau is completely unaware and oblivious to what is going on within Canada. This can be said for a lot of issues, but inflation and cost of living do not exist within the Trudeau household.ROLLY KLAEPATZ(This inflation is making it harder for every Canadian living from paycheque to paycheque, and even worse for those deeper in need.)
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AN HONEST DOLLARS.I. Petersen makes a good point. If we want an effective economic system, we need to ensure that it incentivizes good behaviour. If the tax code is set up to encourage laziness by rewarding people who accrue passive income through capital gains, instead of rewarding people who have to work a full week to earn the same income, then it is punishing people who have to work for a living. Its not a lot of effort to invest in a solid index fund that gives good returns, you simply put your money in and you get free money as return on interest for doing literally nothing. This system also creates income inequality because the amount of passive income one gets is proportional to their wealth. People become more wealthy by being wealthy, in a vicious cycle. Meanwhile, a single worker is only able to work for 16 waking hours a day, and their paycheque then gets eaten up by the rising cost of living combined with stagnant wages. Maybe we should adjust capital gains tax to be as high as income taxes, so that the economy supports people who contribute instead of wealthy freeloaders.KEVIN WEBSTER(But it wont go anywhere insinuating people are wealthy freeloaders.)
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SOCIALISM FAILSRe: ITS ABOUT CARING, letter, April 10. Thats all fine and dandy, but reality paints a different picture. In fact, communist socialism as defined by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels has never prevailed over the ages. The United Socialist Soviet Republic, or U.S.S.R., is the classic example. When it imploded under Mikhail Gorbachev in 1991 the United States of America under Ronald Reagan celebrated the largest victory of the 20th century for capitalism, by winning the Cold War. It was the ultimate showdown between communism and capitalism a.k.a. the free market economy. Socialist communism will never prevail in the long run, as it requires totalitarian dictatorships where their own people are fighting this political system from within, and economic ambitions and personal incentives no longer exist. It is quite possible that the present Russian socialist communism under Vladimir Putin may fail again, as he has too many opponents within his Russia. North Korea, Venezuela and even China will eventually fail because of their socialist communist ambitions.CASPAR PFENNINGER(Just say no to socialism.)
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BAD MOVE, WILLJust a comment from an old story now. The academy suspends Will Smith for 10 years and his reputation takes a big dive. He not only embarrasses himself as well as his family but pretty much any of his homies for slapping Chris Rock with a girly man slap and not even get a stagger or head shake from the comedian, who is quite smaller than Smith. Chris Rock showed a great deal of self control and class by brushing off the incident with great professional behaviour and in doing so made Will Smith a real small man in the eyes of Hollywood, but more importantly his friends who may chicken at his slap on Mr. Rock, that will do more damage to his ego than any suspension from Hollywood ever will.KEN UHREN(He really hurt his brand with that behaviour.)
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DITCH THE FLUORIDESo Ottawa is going to spend billions on a national dental-care program, specifically aimed at low- and medium-income Canadians. The program is supposed to be up and running by the end of the year for children under 12, by the end of next year for those under 18, seniors and those with disabilities, and fully implemented by 2025. So why is Calgary still moving forward on a multi-million dollar fluoridation program aimed at low- and middle-income residents, when the federal program is supposed to cover everyones needs from cradle to grave? Is this what they call a two-tier health care? Spend millions promising to eradicate cavities at a local level, but just in case that doesnt work out, spend billions more nationally to make sure local failures dont become national failures. Just another example of fiscally responsible local leadership and why your taxes keep climbing.PAUL BAUMBERG(One is purely preventative so you dont need the other so much, no?)
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GO AWAY, GREENIESReally? Groovy Steve Guilbeault, the Green Jesus of Montreal? Quite the promotion for an attention desperate roof-stomper looking to scare the wits out of Colleen Klein. As usual, the save the world pose was just that. No resemblance to the Yeshua I know who was emphatically not about crucifying His neighbours. As long as Greenpeace is ruling the country, Jason Nixons civil disobedience within Confederation action-plan has great merit. In fact, its my kinda war. Where do I sign up? Nobody asked for these tree-humping bozos to shove their religion down our throats. In fact, if were so cranked about getting rid of the premier that got us through a uniquely-terrible situation with at least a few freedoms intact, why arent we getting behind Jason Nixon? Forget the bottom-feeders and swine in the pines.GUY PLECASH(OK.)
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SORRY CHARESTSo, Jean Charest says that Pierre Poilievre should resign from the Conservative leadership race. He said Pierre supported the truck convoy, so he is not fit to run. Well, I dont know what show Charest was watching because I saw it differently. Pierre supported the democratic freedom of peaceful assembly. There wasnt any violence in the Ottawa protest. It might have caused disruption but there wasnt any violence. Secondly, wasnt it nice to have someone take the time to go down to the people and see what was happening? Charest should look in his closet. Was he not working for Huawei while our two Michaels were incarcerated in China? Now that looks more of a reason for Charest to resign. Maybe he could simply come up with some unique ideas to boost his popularity rather than hooking on to a very controversial subject. Hes also got that university student protest in Quebec that doesnt look too good on him. So, Ill stand by Pierre and his values. Hes standing by his objectives and values and giving the Canadian people some hope for a better future! We dont need a liberal at the head of the Conservative party. Its time for a change and Jean Charest is not the answer!DIANE BEILNER(Is Canada excited for yesterdays man? Likely not.)
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CARBON NIGHTMARERegarding Brian Lilleys article about how Justin Trudeau is a climate hypocrite, it is actually much worse than indicated in the article. In the article, an online carbon calculator is used to determine Trudeaus flying carbon footprint. The online carbon calculators are based on commercial airliners flying at around 95% capacity. Thus for example, if a Boeing 737 MAX were flying from Ottawa to Calgary with 95 passengers (assuming maximum passenger load of 100) the carbon calculator would provide a good value of the carbon emissions of each passenger on that flight. But if the plane was only carrying 30 passengers, then the carbon emissions for each passenger would be about triple and this is generally not reflected in online carbon calculators. Since Trudeau doesnt fly commercially, but instead on government jets, and rarely with 100 people on a plane, Trudeaus carbon footprint is much worse than noted in Brian Lilleys article. The fact that Trudeau is such a blatant climate hypocrite has been previously discussed by engineers in August of 2021. Trudeau truly is the Prince of Privilege in all things that he does, while ordinary Canadians must suffer his follies.S. ALLAN SHELLEY(Yep, a gem.)
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RIP VAN CHARESTAfter a 10-year hibernation from Canadian politics, this adept political opportunist has shockingly awoken from a deep sleep. Jean Charest has a checkered history in politics, including a forced resignation after attempting to interfere in the affairs of a Quebec Superior Court judge. He is also a political chameleon, morphing his political colours from a Progressive Conservative cabinet post to a lengthy stint as the provincial leader of the Liberal Party of Quebec. His appalling, unprovoked and unwarranted attack on Pierre Poilievre displays a wanton lack of moral fibre while satiating his voracious appetite for political stardom. Albertans should bear in mind that Jean was an early mover in the fledgling environmental movement years ago, while now professing loudly that he stands firmly on the side of Western Canadian interests. Jean, we did not ask for you, do not want or need you and politely, but firmly, ask that you return to the perpetual slumber from whence you came.DAVID HUGHES(Another career politician who thinks he knows whats best for Canadians.)
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