Letters to the Editor Monday, March 22 – The Daily Gazette

Socialism not what many believe it isOver the course of the past year or so, I have repeatedly heard and read about how the radical Democrats and their socialist agenda will ruin our country.I am not an enrolled Democrat, but I dont think the Democratic Party has a socialist agenda to pursue. If it does, Id like to have someone identify for me which of the Democrats initiatives are socialist because I suspect that many Americans have little or no idea what socialism entails, and tend to assume it is evil, and equivalent to communism and godlessness.Many area residents may not realize this, but slightly over 100 years ago, Schenectady had a socialist mayor. His name was George R. Lunn.Mr. Lunn was duly elected to the office of mayor on the Socialist Party ticket in 1911 and voters liked his ideas and accomplishments enough to return him to office for a second term in 1915.He later served in Congress and following that became Al Smiths Lieutenant Governor.Mr. Lunn was an ordained Protestant clergyman and described himself as a Christian Socialist. So much for godlessness.And during his tenure, the city did not fall apart. Imagine that. To the contrary, Mayor Lunn enacted several reforms and significant improvements to public health, trash collection, public schools, and was instrumental in creating Central Park.Think about that the next time you hear about the evils inherent in socialism or the so-called socialist agenda of a candidate or political party.Paul DeierleinSchenectady

Women deserve to have claims believedBelieve women. We are your daughters, your mothers, your sisters, your wives.We are your cherished family and your friends.We deserve to be believed about sexual harassment and sexual assault without having to tell our stories over and over again.We dont want to. Its tiring.We just want the men in power to be viewed for who they really are. The entire world should not have to know our lifes story to actually understand that these men are doing wrong.They harm us through their actions, then again, each day when we see their claims that they didnt do anything, that the accusations are unfounded, that they were coerced to leave their posts.They are lying. They did it. Women deserve to be believed without having to come forward and be in the public eye.Why would we make up the worst experiences of our lives?Where were our institutions when this was happening to us? We were left to deal with it alone and we still are on our own.Maybe we are the people with the lawsuits now. Times up.Molly SchaeferSchenectady

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Letters to the Editor Monday, March 22 - The Daily Gazette

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