National Juggernaut: This Cartoon Seemed Far-Fetched In 1948
Debbie said...
Unbelievably scary today!
How quickly people will give up their freedoms today for the illusion of security, and the false hope of prosperity through government control. Perhaps it is time for all Americans to revolt against an oppressive government, one that no longer is representative of the will of them majority, but rather the influence of bans and corporations.
I agree Fred, but we should have started standing up during the last administration and impeached our leader for his lies and scare tactics then. He feed all his cronies coffers on the backs of our hard working country and our fine military service people. He used scare tactics the like I have never seen before. We bowed down and surrendered our rights without even asking questions. Now we're jumping on the new administration for trying to find a better way, but we ignore what put us here to begin with..... It's hard to blame the farmer for the pile of horse manure, when the former leader brought the horse into the barn to begin with...
Alright, VICTOR! Great to hear a more accurate picture of where we've been and as the Nobel Peace prize committee has pointed out, there is hope of cleaning (literally) up the mess that we are in. Dianne
Heres what I noticed.
1) The cartoon presupposes a Christian America (To Mom it is church on Sunday morning), leaving out all Jews, Muslims, and all other non-Christian faiths,
2) There is a backwards-hanging American flag (in the first minute, the blue star field is ALWAYS in the upper left)
3) It is sexist (the jury whistling at the woman on the stand)
Oh, yeah, anytime a people give up their civil liberties for a small measure of security, they gain neither liberty nor security.
I am sorry for those who wrote a negative post about this carton, they missed the whole message of the carton. We live in a dark time with Peoples minds clouded with the sin of self. Our forefathers, who by the way where christians, build this nation with standards that today are according to all you liberalist have become obsolete. This country is headed for socialism or worse marxism. I wonder how all the liberalist will like our country then. GOOD LOOK WITH THAT!
Everyone blames Bush, who had to deal with Clinton's pushing the mortgage companies to give loans that they knew people couldn't pay back. Bush worked hard to keep taxes down so work would go on even after the panic of 911. Wake up. What good ever came of handouts?? Churches, of all faiths should be shouting at the rooftops for government to get out of charity work. Government is supposed to protect us from invasions and keep our laws. They are not supposed to get into our personal lives or tell us what we can and can't do.
Holy Cow!
That smooth talker reminded me of our latest Nobel prize winner... Looks good, speaks well, but buyer beware!
Terrific video and very appropriate for today. It baffles my mind that people are screaming bloody murder about government intrusision in security matters but turn around and encourage heavy government in other areas of individual rights. Bush's presidency was far from perfect but he did what he promised he would do: he kept us safe for 8 years and did his best to ensure a working economy. Only after Democrats took over Congress did things turn South, and now we are being led by a President who has not delivered on anything he promised but also willingly received an award that he did not earn nor deserve. Let's hope the next few years pass quickly and we can get a true leader in office.
Victor you had best look at the present administration instead of doing like they do and blame everything on the prior administration. They don't take responsibility for anything and obama (lower case intendedd) has put us into debt more than all the presidents before him. His agenda is to bankrupt the U.S. and then he, acorn and all the other buddies of his can remake (or as he says "transform the government). You must be a die hard democrat. Look at all the communist czars around obama and you have the audacity to talk about the previous administration. I served through two wars so don't talk about the military to me. Been there and done that. I suggest that you open your eyes. Bill
No wonder nothing gets done in Washington, it mirrors the public discourse. How can we expect our elected officials to look forward when those who elected them cannot. We always have to find someone to blame. It must have been the previous parties fault! Lets investigate all of them! No one wants to compromise anymore, it's my way or the highway. Hell, people wanted more refineries when gasoline was high, just not near their house. Some folks around the country want Green Wind Power, BUT!! Do not build big windmills near them as they are ugly. This country needs a real leader! One who will explain the problems, suggest fixes and then take it to the people. Kind of like Ronald Reagan, JFK or Harry Truman. It is time for some civility in politics in this country and one way to start is to vote against every incumbent office holder at every level of government! Just my 2 cents worth.
Actually many of our founding fathers were NOT Christians. Quite a few were agnostics, and several were Deists (who believed in God, but felt that it didn't matter how you practiced that belief).
Further, if you were to look at unvarnished view of US History you will find that there was a very strong Jewish presence during Colonial times.
I will agree that there is a load of hatred for folks who don't "believe exactly what I believe exactly the way I believe it" Have we forgotten that it is out whole "melting pot" paradigm that has made us a great nation?
To Robert who is so hung up on the religion or the Christian portrayal in the video--quite frankly, who cares? The gist of the video is about the overreaching government we have and the direction we are headed towards. As a US History teacher myself, 22 yrs, your accounting of the various religions or beliefs during the colonial period is accurate--but again, who cares? The founders were very wise in their construction and language of the Constitution--remember the Bill of Rights? Stop focusing on the mother in the church or the whistling from the bench--it's about the choice to attend the church or whistle--don't you get it?? PS and most of us normal attractive ladies don't mind a whistle or too now and then.
Absolutely amazing! I was 14 when that came out and had no clue what was being said if I then saw this "cartoon" . Here we are today pointing fingers and the message to me is there was skull drudgery way back then. A continual witling away at what makes America, America...... the freedom. A costly price to keep it clean and working. Lost two uncles and my dad ( bless his soul ) had three bullet scars in his back. The arrogance, egotistical, superior, attitude of our lawmakers, thumbing their noses at us once they're in office. There is no just and moral way anymore to get replacements into Washington that we can trust. The politicians have us scared of them and can get away with anything and if caught, the pass word is Oh, sorry, I made a mistake. and they go back in their office. "We the People" use to have the politicians scared of us. That's what gave us freedom. The politicians did for us. It wasn't we did for them.
Incredible Video!! For those who choose to pick at the details (i.e. what about the Jews, Muslims, etc., it's sexist, etc.) you must realize "It's a Cartoon!". Our country was "founded" on Christian beliefs! That doesn't mean there's no room for other faiths, only that the core belief system of our country is that of the Christian faith. Don't like it? LEAVE!
"Provide" for the common defense... that means the government will "provide" it! "Promote" the general welfare... that, on the other hand, does NOT mean "Provide"!
How this cartoon ended is how it's going to end this time, one way or another! Wake up before it's too late...
To Robert. A typical liberal who misses the big picture pointing out all the little irrelevant social issues that usually correct themselves through public pressure and the over all moral standards our country. Like a good magician who uses misdirection to make you to see only the things that he wants you to in order to mask the reality of what he is doing to you. ( Yes, the magician could have been a non-christian, gay woman from the middle-east, but I have Chosen not to make him that in my humble rant)
The point that this cartoon seems to be making, is beware of any individual, organization, or administration that attempts to escalate class, or race warfare to divide the country and make socialism appear to be the only solution. We will always have our differences, but putting the government in charge of everything, and surrendering person freedom is not the solution. - Very timely.
Mary, you are so right! And BTW you get a whistle from me for your beauty within. Friends, we who love Liberty must kick the Republicrat/Democritter habit! The petty Party battles are a ruse to keep us distracted from the REAL battle: the destruction of our Constitutional Republic. Bush surely did his part in this regard, and I'll admit, I voted for him. I'm not proud of that; I saw it as the classic "lesser of two evils", but now I realize that evil is EVIL and cannot be justified.
I know now that God always provides us with a non-evil choice, if only we are strong enough to take it. In this case, the ONLY non-evil choice is to demand our leaders honor the sacred oath they took when they took office: to preserve, protect and defend our Constitution against all enemies, both foreign and domestic. It is up to us to hold their feet to the fire!
Those who take that oath and fail to honor it are joining the enemies of our Republic, and giving aid and comfort to those enemies. They are therefore, by Constitutional definition, Traitors. There is simply no pretty way to paint this: they are guilty of Treason! They should therefore be prosecuted for Treason to the fullest extent of the law.
And anyone who is blaming Democrats or Republicans... Obama or Bush or Clinton or anyone else... is missing the point. If you are a Patriot you should know our enemies can wear any coat they choose, wave any banner they like, and claim to be anything they think will get them elected. We must trust or distrust them purely on the basis of their actions.
I get downright sick seeing people justify Obama's un-Constitutional acts by pointing a finger at Bush, but even sicker at seeing Bush voters trying to defend the scumbag. Folks, let's try to get this straight: Obama is a weasel, but that doesn't mean Bush WASN'T. Yes, Bush WAS a weasel but he's gone now and he's done about all the damage he's likely to do, so get over it. Also, no amount of weasling on Bush's part can excuse the slightest weasling on Obama's part. Both were elected to serve our people and our free, Constitutional Republic, and both... so far at least... have failed miserably. Both took a solemn oath of fidelity to our Constitution, and both knew, as the words rolled off their tongues, they had no intention of honoring that oath.
They are both Globalists, in a long string of Globalists we have managed to elect as President. Each of them has taken, or is taking, orders from a small, clandestine group of anonymous power-brokers who can promise them a lot more than We The People can.
It would seem all is lost for those of us who love Liberty, but IT IS NOT. We must know the Enemy and call him what he is. Then we must take on the sword and armor of Almighty God, believing in Him, and unite under Him, and prepare to do battle with the Devil himself.
And if/when we do this, the Devil will stand down. He will have no choice.
I must say I'm getting sick and tired of hearing from people that voted for George W. bush and somehow now feel the need to apologise for it. I thank God for President Bush. No, he wasn't perfect, who is. But I truly believe in my heart of hearts that President Bush made decisions that he felt were in the best interests of the country and the people of the United States, whether they have a "D" or an "R" after there name, black or white, Christian, Jew or Muslim, not just because he thought it would be the best thing for his re-election coffers. I think that the Republican Congress failed him and the left wing media assassinated his character like they are doing to Sarah Palin now, another true American with the best interest of the people in her heart not political power. The kind of person the founding fathers intended to shoulder the burden of public service. How refreshing. I would trade my right arm to have "W" back right now I would even take Clinton and that is saying something.
Well, I am not exactly apologizing for voting for Bush; he really WAS the lesser of two evils. My point is, EViL IS EVIL, no matter what label you put on it. And in every instance we are given a number of choices, at least one of which will not be evil.
I believe Globalism is evil. I know for certain Obama is a Globalist, and so is Bush, and so was his daddy, and so was Clinton, and Carter, and so on. I KNOW THIS FOR A FACT, and anyone who doesn't has not been paying attention.
I am not apologizing for voting for Bush, or for any other votes I've cast in the past, but I have learned something and I'm trying to pass that knowledge along. And it is simply this: if you think you are voting for "the lesser of two evils", you are right... you are voting for EVIL! And God will not put you in a position such that your only choice is for evil, so you need to keep looking.
Sometimes we overlook good options because they seem impossible, or too much trouble, or unpopular or whatever. Sometimes we overlook options because they are, well, unthinkable. But none of that really matters if we know wee're doing the next right thing in front of us.
So okay, here is my problem with Bush, and Carter, and Clinton, and Obama and FDR and so many other presidents we have had: The Constitution of the United States of America
To the extent they upheld it, each of them garners my applause. But to the extent they ignored... or worse, circumvented... it, they have proved themselves Traitors. And in my opinion Traitors should be tried for Treason and when convicted, executed. EVERY ONE OF THEM, and I don't care if they claim to be republican or democrat or what, just as evil is EVIL, a traitor is a TRAITOR, and as such needs to be eliminated.
To those who would condemn Obama: you will get no arguement from me. I consider him the lowest of the low. But please consider, when you flash Bush up as an alternative, you discredit your argument. Please admit it: Bush is a damned Globalist! His administration set the stage for everything Obama is doing now. They are on the same team, driving our nation to the same end-point, and I am astounded so many seemingly intelligent people have failed to pick up on this!
What I'm trying to say here is so simple it seems absurd to even state it, but some folks aren't catching on: if you claim to be a democrat or republican, you have not been paying attention. Both parties intend to enslave you! Each has a slightly different approach but the result will be the same.
And we have but one defense: The Constitution! If we hold them to the letter and spirit of that document we may retain our liberty. We have been warned, if we forfeit the first piece of it we stand to lose it all, and many pieces have already been lost. If we want it back we must stand and take it now.
Sorry, but evil is too strong a word for any of these men. Bin Laden...EVIL, Hussein...EVIL. Our presidents no not evil. You must define globalist. Our place in the international community is vital to our very existence. Keep your friends close and your enemies closer. Sound familiar? Rep or Dem it is the system we have right now and isn't going to change anytime soon. If we want it to really change we need to get involved and initiate change from within. Not an easy task for sure but truly the only chance for it. Too much power has been accumulated already to stop it without all out revolution and you don't have the support for that i assure you.
All of you Obama apologists are only confirming the intellectual barreness of the liberal landscape.It also confirMs that the only reason Obama was able to even come close to winning the Oval office is because of an anti-Bush vote, race, promises to unions and gov. employees. There was not a single element of his entire format except bullshit promises which he has yet to perform on, soaring sermons of giving away ice cream and being a Pied Piper for all who wanted to share prosperity....SOME ONE ELSES PROSPERITY. You elected an empty shirt....and untalent hunk of nothing except hot air and and put and embarassing slice of humanity in leadership capacity.
A bunch of morons and a tele prompter elected a president.
Some observations:
1. This is propoganda for capitalism--which is fine, but call it what it is. This is directly after WWII, when McCarthyism was in full effect.
2. The automobile industry held up as the exemplary example in this video is often demonized because of its unions.
3. All of the people who are in blind support of this video seem to be resurrecting the ghosts of McCarthy when they start pulling out the socialism vs. capitalism card--and it's disingenuous when you consider that they simultaneously accuse Obama of socialism and fascism.
4. All of the doomsayers of today need to have faith in our country. The same worries existed in 1930 as 1948 as 1969 and today. We are always destined to be in tension between individual freedoms and the benefits of the collective society. Some eras swing one way, some another. This is inevitable, and it's healthy.
5. Everyone needs to relax and read some more history.
Well said Christopher!!
Anyone who ties this cartoon to a specific person misses the whole point of this message. One can just as easily point to G. W. Bush's actions as president and compare it with what is said in this narrative. A foundation to freedom is the ability to THINK, otherwise everyone will blindly follow the loudest voice.
William E., are you applying your comment to ALL recent presidents? It makes America a nation of idiots, including you.
Socialism, communism, Marxism, they're all bad. Russia and China tried them and went broke. Now our fearless leader is trying it and we are going broke. Now that those countries have switched to a capitalist type market, they're economy is growing like crazy. I wish they could pass a law that keeps liberals from running government. They don't do a very good job of it.
The references to religion were very general in content. First, the Church on Sunday mornings. Big Deal. Are you saying other religions don't worship on Sundays. Second was in the classroom and this is what they said: "it's all races, creeds and religions" (more than one) doesn't sound like preaching Christianity to me and third was when they were listing our freedoms and they said "and to worship God in your own way".
I wish people would stop bringing up the Christianity issue. We really have more serious issues at hand; like the hijacking of our country, a President who is intentionally bankrupting us and trying to divide this country further than it already has been. We need to fire every single one of them and replace them with fresh new citizens who want to serve and their first agenda promise should be term limitations for all.
Just my thoughts.
I just wish this had been spread around to the majority of Americans who voted for change for the sake of change, whether good or bad, in the last election. Now we are all faced with taking the "medicine". Yuk.
Don't understand all the amazement. If everyone had been watching important events since Nov. 22, 1963 none of this should be amazing. In the words of Al Jolson, "You ain't seen nothin', yet!"
What is wrong with you people? Can't you admire the animation? Do you know how much time it takes to create a film of this length? Did you not admire the color? Who cares about the political side?
Fred, open your eyes man, and embrace the truth, we didn't "come close" to electing Obama. We actually did elect him, and we didn't need the Supreme Court to overturn the will of the people to do it either.
The point is...
our system is not perfect but it allows us Freedoms of choice and opportunities that simply are not available in other countries - certainly not so easily.
Forget which President or party is in power. It barely matters.
YOU are the leader of this country. Keep it that way.
To Robert J. Sodaro, specifically, it appears you feel that "church" can only be Christian, how sad. Further, as young as you are, you may not remember that most people in the 40's were Christian. Too bad you feel this is an attack on the current President, it is really an attempt to get people like you to see that it is the current organizations, Labor, Management, Politicians, and large Farmers, pushing us toward something that removes our freedoms in exchange for a false security. But that is why we are on the verge of losing it all today. And it has been in the works for over 60 years!
The very end of the film says it all: "Whenever anyone preaches disunity, tries to pit one of us against the other, through class warfare, race hatred or religious intolerance, you know that person seeks to rob us of our freedom and destroy our very lives...and we know what to do about it. Working together to produce an ever greater abundance of material and spiritual values for all. That is the secret of American prosperity."
However, even the comments here show that our own interpretation of that is different for each of us. At the time of this movie, the government was instituting the largest aid to the middle class ever seen...the GI Bill of 1944. That is why more people started owning homes and going to college. But, like I said, we all see in different ways.
When I hear religious freedom, I interpret that to mean the right to worship or not worship my own choice of God as I please. I hear class warfare and interpret that as the top 1% holding as much power as the lower 99% combined. I hear "an ever greater abundance of material and spiritual values" and intrepret that as a changing wider diversity of materials and broader exchange of ideas, not simply more of the same thing.
But, evidently, we all hear and see it in our own way.
Hope and Change, anyone?
"For those choose to divide us using fear...." sounds like Karl Rovian tactics for the Homeland Security Act! glad those days are over....
Why does the American person living in their own country constantly have to defend their beliefs and values? If we travel to other countries, do we try to reform them? We are demanded to respect their beliefs and even wear their dress in some countries. I do not know of any other country that lets others come in and then try to change their beliefs and the way they live. I don't want the government involved in my personal life and our freedom of choice and free speech and all other things free or any aspect of it. This is my country and I enjoy my freedoms, choices, my free speech, and I am able to live that way because of our Freedom that others have died for!! I do not believe that we were even being offered a choice of this so called "Health Care Reform", at least some of the Americans started opening their eyes and standing up for themselves and that is exactly what it is going to take to keep our freedom. We are going to have to fight for it just like our fathers and fore fathers have do in the past. I think Americans, which I am one born and bred in KY, have had it so easy and are so spoiled rotten that it is just easier to say ah sign it and lets go to the next step with our next "Change"..It doesn't matter to me what color you are, who you worship or how, how you dress or what you do for a living, but when you come to my house, don't start moving my stuff around or throwing away things you don't like, it doesn't belong to you!!!!People we are going to have to work together if this country is to stand proud and strong again..Unity is the only way to keep it that way. People cry "Well what about this or what about that, you didn't name this in the cartoon, come on, its a 1948 cartoon for Gods Sake!!No one has mentioned the disabled or the handicapped trying just to survive in this world today..What happens to them when the government takes control??Are they going to be herded up and sent to a camp somewhere because we are not "Normal" I can cry discrimination too!!! We have not be mentioned at all in any of this whole thing. Quit living in the past and focus on what is happening today, give your child a hug tonight and ask who ever you pray to, to keep this nation together, strong and Free!! Look in your child's eyes tonight and tell them we are fighting for them and their futures!!
I say hooray for someone finding this cartoon. Amazing at the paralell this has to todays issues. Many of you need to watch this again, without your party views getting in the way. I think the snake oil salesman can be either party quite frankly. It is time to rethink the party system and start voting for the PERSON who best shares the ideals in which this cartoon and country were founded upon. Blame, blame, blame is all you want to do. Instead why don't you try becoming a solution to the problem instead of the obstacle of blame. It is time to remove the DEM Party and the GOP Party and put in the GOD party. I am a Christian without shame and debuke those who wish to scoff at me for being so. This does not mean I am intolerant of other beliefs, as long as they are godly in their own right as far as this country is concerned. Simply put "do the right thing by others". Then we can work on a productive CARING based diaglogue without all the personal agendas. Ron
The snake-oil Democrats say:
We can have peace through weakness
We can have success without failure
We can reward the unsuccessful while punishing the successful and still have a successful economy
We can entrust the government to take care of us without taking advantage of us.
It's the stuff of children's fairly tales. Wake up America before it's too late!
I wonder who edited the video that deleted the line before "and drive 70% of automobiles". Listen again. That static is no accident. It deletes a comment that would have originally made the point that "American's have only x percent of the resources yet drive 70 percent of the automobiles."
it probably said, america has only x amount of population/people, but drive 70% of the cars, or it could just be a very old video and the result of very old editing.
Don't forget, one of the ISM's is Capitalism. Was there a reason he said Capitalist instead? Oh, I see, all of the other ISM's are really bad. Lets see about a little history. The oil debacle, mortgage crisis, health insurance, Bernie Madoff, mercantile market, ad infinitum. Sure seems like they all pretty much regulate themselves for the benefit of all. And if you buy that, ........ I voted for change the last time...the jury is still out, but it looks to me as though it's happening. And, by the way, he doesn't look like a socialist to me. But then maybe not everyone uses Rush's definition??
The politically correct movement is obviously alive and well as the first few comments attest missing the point that our country WAS FOUNDED on Christian foundations with specific laws prohibiting discrimination against other religions and preventing the states and the federal government from establishing a state/national religion and the government is restricted FROM "PROHIBITING THE FREE EXERCISE THEREOF" which has been forgotten by federal judiciary for the most part while the discrimination against Christians speaking out in the public square. We, are the only ones responsible for the loss of religious freedom for Christians by sitting on our collective behinds and expecting dishonest, deceptive politicians to protect our liberties instead of doing all they can to protect their positions of power and influence. For years the citizens voted their pocketbook over every other issue, including moral issues, and now we have the current mess that exists in our nation and the world.
I am only a little surprised that there are people in this country that are so blind as to believe that the Government is our savoir. The jury is not out on the current administration, it is full speed to a socialist society. How is it that poll after poll say the American people blame the government for all our problems but want the government to solve them. The government has been responsible for all the problems that we have seen over the last 30 years because they regulate for the result they wish with out taking into account the real results of trying to please everyone. What we are headed for is not utopia but shared misery. People wake up! Take care of your selves and quit waiting for the government to take care of you. Lazy ignorance is why we are headed to failure. Take responsibility and reject any government that seeks to take care of you cradle to grave. The grave will surely be where you are once you are no longer useful to the government.
It's amazing to me how some people see this cartoon and all they can think about is what the last administration did to us. While I don't disagree, but I do believe these are the same individuals who seem to think that what is going on now is all A-OK. This country is in real trouble and it started 20 years ago and if people don't wake up soon and stop this nonsensical idea that the government is here to help; then may God, yes I said God help us all.
Funny, why are the "christans" and right winged nut jobs are so thined skined now, but never said a word when there guy was selling us down the river,taking our rights away with the illegal wire taps,the patriot act, medicare drug handout, the illegal unjustified war were in now,corprate welfare, Haliburton, 911, etc....
Yea just keep on listing to your guru's like fox's glen beck,Bill oreally? & the $400 million dollar man rush limpdick, What a joke......
The Rich get richer by keeping the rest of us fighting amongst eachother.....
Okay, back to the cartoon. This was put out two years before the "golden age" of the 1950s. The middle class was beginning to really take the reigns of this society. The "average" American (meaning that portion of the population within one or two standard deviations of the mean in statistical terms)had a home, at least one car, food on the table and adequate clothing. Reasonable vacations could be taken and luxuries such as televisions and high fidelity players could be bought at a reasonable price. Most homes had a telephone, running hot and cold water, indoor lavatory, and electricity. Some had it better than others. Some had it worse. There were still the very poor and the very rich.
Please recall that this "utopia" did not last particularly long. The Korean "War" and then Vietnam were the catalysts for a great deal of social unrest...which could not have occured if there had not been a thriving middle class in America who had the luxury of revolting or trying to maintain the status quo or trying to walk a middle line and every other point on the spectrum between radical liberals and radical conservatives. People in countries that don't grant individual rights and freedoms don't have the luxury of holding the kinds of relatively "peaceful" debates that we do here in America.
Folks, we still live in a great country. We have forgotten, however, that it IS great and that WE are great.
So, we have a high rate of unemployment right now. Okay. We just need to come together and decide how we are going to share our resources so that everyone has at least enough to subsist. Some of the greatest stories in our history are of people helping each other in time of need.
So, some people are losing their homes. WE have. We couldn't afford it. These things happen. We are renting a nice enough space and happy to have a roof over our heads. Just because we used to have something doesn't mean we should continue to have it. Some people are living on the streets or in their cars and I am amazed at the way some of these people, children in particular, can find the smallest and simplest things with which to be happy or contented.
Go here to see the original:
National Juggernaut: This Cartoon Seemed Far-Fetched In 1948
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- Interview | Wrong to Say Kulgam is a Fight Between Islamism and Socialism: CPI(M) Candidate Tarigami - The Wire - September 21st, 2024 [September 21st, 2024]
- LUCIAN DAVIDS: The ANC must be clear socialism or neoliberalism? - EWN - September 19th, 2024 [September 19th, 2024]
- Sitaram Yechury: A champion of socialism and coalition-building - The Tribune India - September 16th, 2024 [September 16th, 2024]
- 10 years on Scottish independence, the British state and the struggle for socialism - Socialist Worker - September 16th, 2024 [September 16th, 2024]
- LETTER: Starmer is a real dud. We face a cost of socialism crisis - Basingstoke Gazette - September 16th, 2024 [September 16th, 2024]
- Party for Socialism and Liberation, Green Party discuss priorities for 2024 election - WABE 90.1 FM - September 3rd, 2024 [September 3rd, 2024]
- Celebrating 75 years of Chinese Socialism - Workers World - September 3rd, 2024 [September 3rd, 2024]
- The SEP intervention in the UAW election and the fight for socialism among autoworkers - WSWS - September 3rd, 2024 [September 3rd, 2024]
- Will the 2024 election be a referendum on socialism? - The Christian Post - September 3rd, 2024 [September 3rd, 2024]
- The Unsung History of Heartland Socialism - In These Times - August 31st, 2024 [August 31st, 2024]
- LETTER: There's a big difference between neighboring and socialism - Midland Daily News - August 31st, 2024 [August 31st, 2024]
- Kamalas Plan to Address Root Cause of Migration: Expand Socialism to U.S. - California Globe - August 31st, 2024 [August 31st, 2024]
- Op-Ed: The conservatism of Gov. Kim Reynolds vs the socialism of Gov. Tim Walz - The Center Square - August 31st, 2024 [August 31st, 2024]
- How China moved from a command to a free market economy and is now restoring socialism - Pearls and Irritations - August 31st, 2024 [August 31st, 2024]
- Cattle futures dont like the prospect of socialism - Beef Magazine - August 20th, 2024 [August 20th, 2024]
- Trump: Democrats Are Party of Socialism - Newsmax - August 20th, 2024 [August 20th, 2024]
- The Crown Jewel of American Socialism - The Future of Freedom Foundation - August 18th, 2024 [August 18th, 2024]
- Kamala Harris's Economic Plan: The Road to Socialism - MacIverInstitute - August 18th, 2024 [August 18th, 2024]
- Democrats are pushing for a radical redistribution of socialism: Rep. Andy Barr - Fox Business - August 16th, 2024 [August 16th, 2024]
- Economic Growth Myth & Why Socialism Is Rising - Real Investment Advice - August 16th, 2024 [August 16th, 2024]
- Adopting free market socialism, a just thing to do - The African - August 16th, 2024 [August 16th, 2024]
- Maybe a little socialism isnt all that bad. We may get legislation that benefits everyone! - Daily Kos - August 16th, 2024 [August 16th, 2024]
- Florida Democrats try to flip the script on socialism attacks with Venezuela - POLITICO - August 14th, 2024 [August 14th, 2024]
- Salazar Mocks Walz's 'Socialism' Comment, Says Latinos 'Cringe' at the Word - The Floridian - August 14th, 2024 [August 14th, 2024]
- Milwaukee, the city hosting the Republican National Convention, has roots in socialism - - July 15th, 2024 [July 15th, 2024]
- Why I joined the Socialist Party - Socialist Party - July 15th, 2024 [July 15th, 2024]
- Milwaukee, the city hosting the Republican National Convention, has roots in socialism - Lake Geneva Regional News - July 15th, 2024 [July 15th, 2024]
- Tubeworker/Off The Rails online meeting, 1 August, 3pm: Fighting the far right, fighting for socialism: a discussion with French transport worker... - July 15th, 2024 [July 15th, 2024]
- Party and Class the politics of revolutionary socialism - Socialist Worker - July 15th, 2024 [July 15th, 2024]
- Build the socialist opposition to Starmer's right-wing government! - WSWS - July 6th, 2024 [July 6th, 2024]
- Democratic Socialism Simulator is a reminder of the DNCs weaknesses - Polygon - July 6th, 2024 [July 6th, 2024]
- Sri Lankan workers and youth support public meeting to demand release of Ukrainian socialist Bogdan Syrotiuk - WSWS - July 6th, 2024 [July 6th, 2024]
- France's Problem Is Not The 'Far Right': It Is Socialism, A Warning For All OpEd - Eurasia Review - July 6th, 2024 [July 6th, 2024]
- Socialist America, state capitalist China - Pearls and Irritations - July 6th, 2024 [July 6th, 2024]
- Socialism And Communism Are Weasel Words For Slavery - The Federalist - July 6th, 2024 [July 6th, 2024]
- UK Socialist Equality Party election rally advances socialist and internationalist opposition to war - WSWS - July 6th, 2024 [July 6th, 2024]
- Cuban Leader Daz-Canel Reminds Business Owners: "We're All Here to Save the Revolution and Socialism" - Cuba Headlines - July 6th, 2024 [July 6th, 2024]
- Tories smashed - build the socialist opposition - Socialist Party - July 6th, 2024 [July 6th, 2024]
- Is Keir Starmer a socialist? - The Conversation Indonesia - June 20th, 2024 [June 20th, 2024]
- Assassinations, socialism and conspirators dens: Inside Berlins Rote Insel - The Berliner - June 20th, 2024 [June 20th, 2024]
- Socialist Equality Party candidate Tom Scripps speaks at London hustings - WSWS - June 20th, 2024 [June 20th, 2024]
- UK risks generation of socialism if you vote Reform, Tories say as they warn Labour will change rules to... - The US Sun - June 20th, 2024 [June 20th, 2024]
- Its OK to be angry about socialism | Johnny Leavesley - The Critic - June 18th, 2024 [June 18th, 2024]
- U.K.'s Keir Starmer tones down the socialism in 'changed Labour Party' - The Washington Post - June 18th, 2024 [June 18th, 2024]
- Socialist Equality Party election campaign wins support in Holborn and St Pancras, London - WSWS - June 18th, 2024 [June 18th, 2024]
- Black voters at odds with Jamaal Bowman could help sink him - New York Post - June 18th, 2024 [June 18th, 2024]
- After Macron's snap election call, which way forward against neofascism and war? - WSWS - June 18th, 2024 [June 18th, 2024]
- No to Gaza genocide and NATO war against Russia! Fight for a socialist alternative to Starmer's Labour Party! Build a ... - WSWS - June 18th, 2024 [June 18th, 2024]
- Statements from Japan and Australia demand freedom for Bogdan Syrotiuk - WSWS - June 18th, 2024 [June 18th, 2024]
- Why Kautsky Was Wrong (and Why You Should Care) - Left Voice - May 31st, 2024 [May 31st, 2024]
- Campaign to free anti-war Ukrainian socialist Bogdan Syrotiuk is gaining international support - WSWS - May 31st, 2024 [May 31st, 2024]
- Interested in socialism? Read our book - Socialist Worker - May 31st, 2024 [May 31st, 2024]
- Sri Lanka: Statements demanding the immediate release of Ukrainian socialist Bogdan Syrotiuk - WSWS - May 31st, 2024 [May 31st, 2024]
- Understanding what Democratic Socialists of America are and how they differ from social Democrats - Fullerton Observer - May 1st, 2024 [May 1st, 2024]
- Australia: Gold Coast Gaza rally hears socialist anti-war perspective - WSWS - May 1st, 2024 [May 1st, 2024]
- The Marxists Come Out at George Washington University - Daily Signal - May 1st, 2024 [May 1st, 2024]
- Communists and the party: a contribution to the debate with the Socialist Movement - In Defence of Marxism - March 22nd, 2024 [March 22nd, 2024]
- Leipzig Book Fair: David North to present his book Leon Trotsky and the Struggle for Socialism in the Twenty-First ... - WSWS - March 22nd, 2024 [March 22nd, 2024]
- Portugal's Socialists Highlight the Rot Within the European Left - The European Conservative - March 18th, 2024 [March 18th, 2024]