Socialism and GOP health bill – Waterloo Cedar Falls Courier

If immigrants ultimately voted mostly Republican, the Republican Party would be defending illegal immigration and Democrats would be demanding a wall and threatening sanctuary cities.

With this example of blatant hypocrisy and its implications in mind, we can frame a question: Why do we have a health system? We dont have a food system and people would die without food. We have mostly a free market for food, and the major health issue of the poor is not lack of food but obesity.

We have a health system because of the desire to create a socialist paradise and the demand of some incumbents to stay in office and consolidate as much power as possible irrespective of the outcome of the means.

We have a health system because of the constant propaganda and education of almost three generations of Americans that health is somehow different from all other life events and must be protected by a socialist state.

Many Americans still recoil at the idea, and so our elites keep coming up with health schemes that are bastardized bureaucratic nightmares so bad we can only assume they were designed to fail.

The major problem with health care in America is misplaced insurance. Surprised? Think about it. The elites solution: Nationalize health insurance and tie it up with hundreds of pages of bureaucratic mumbo-jumbo.

This is like solving the problem of young boys throwing rocks at windows by making sure they have smoother rocks.

There are only two solutions to health care. 1) Socialize it, or 2) reduce government interference and turn it into a free market.

A socialized health system would create the largest bureaucracy on the planet. Keep in mind bureaucracies do process, they do not do outcomes.

Consider some basic realities. Those who can pay have the power to choose. In a free market that is you. In socialized systems, that is not you. Why would a person want an unnamed bureaucrat leafing through thousands of pages of regulations making decisions that influence your well being and maybe even your life?

Where are the feminists on this issue? They have demanded control over their own bodies. In a one-payer system, you have no ultimate control over your body. You control nothing except who you vote for, and as recent history has shown that changes almost nothing.

In a free market a person has control over what happens to their own bodies when they pay the bills, not when insurance is paid for by your employer and especially not when it is paid for by a faceless government bureaucrat.

The cost of health care is now outrageously expensive, mostly because patients have been led to believe someone else is paying the bills. Obamacare and the Republican plan simply compound this misperception and rachet up the cost.

In a one-payer system, it appears no one pays the cost directly, even though the cost will bankrupt the nation in the long run. The immediate cost will literally be taken out of our bodies, and on this July 4th weekend, out of our freedom to choose.

Dennis Clayson is a marketing professor at the University of Northern Iowa.

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Socialism and GOP health bill - Waterloo Cedar Falls Courier

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