Socialism fails – Yakima Herald-Republic

To the editor Socialism fails to provide the best outcomes (e.g. Venezuela) because it suppresses motivation for personal and corporate sacrifices to exceed and innovate, as individual rewards and accountability are significantly diminished. This historically reduces the number of high-quality existing and new health care professionals. Overall health care is diminished as we have observed with the Veterans Administration. Far too many cases report delayed and poor care, with little improvements made or accountability for those responsible

J.J. Sandins proposal to nationalize all health care sectors is scary. It naively trusts that anonymous big central federal government bureaucrats (Big Brother), controlling the most serious and personal aspects of our lives, know better and have our best interests in mind.

Health care is not national security. North Korea has national security while their citizens have terrible health care. Social Security is not a socialistic program; it merely returns funds to individuals who initially contributed them.

The constitutional role for the federal government is to provide for a common defense (national security), not to provide health care. Governments role is to promote free market solutions by removing regulations, taxes and to provide incentives to create a diverse health care system that benefits all, not just those economically challenged as does Obamacare.

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Socialism fails - Yakima Herald-Republic

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