Socialism is destructive

Published: March 7, 2015

After reading Jim Greenwoods diatribe on the public interest on Feb. 1, its rather obvious Greenwood has no clue about socialisms destructiveness. As with nearly all of his letters to the Observer-Reporter, he speaks of a fear and ignorance of socialism within the body of his missive. Unfortunately, the ignorance of socialism is all his own. Socialism has nothing to do with self-government.

Greenwood also mentions that North Korea and Cuba, two of the worlds poorest nations, have universal education and health care, most important components of governments that serve the public interest. Greenwood fails to mention that both countries despite calling themselves socialist are in reality communist. Karl Marx and Frederich Engels wrote in Communist Manifesto in 1848 that their vision was to use socialism as an on-ramp into communist takeovers of sovereign nations. Ayn Rand once wrote of socialism, There is no difference between communism and socialism, except in the means of achieving the same ultimate end. Communism proposes to enslave men by force. Socialism, by vote. It is merely the difference between murder and suicide.

Let no individual make a the critical mistake in thinking that socialism is a benign or even beneficial form of governance. Ultimately, Greenwood must ask himself this question: With there being so many socialist nations in the world today, why would he seek to change one of the remaining few free nations to a socialist nation, when he can escape the freedom that he so disdains and ensconce himself in the socialism that he so reveres?

John A. Quayle

North Franklin

Original post:
Socialism is destructive

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