Socialism’s bad rap | News, Sports, Jobs – The Express – Lock Haven Express


State College

An accusation that Republicans love to hurl at Democrats is that they are socialists. Do these Republicans understand what American Socialism, also called Democratic Socialism, really is? Are they confusing it with Soviet Socialism, from the old USSR days, or modern socialism in North Korea or Venezuela?

Socialism, or socialization, is any structure whereby a governmental agency (federal, state or local) collects funds from the general public via taxes, and uses the money to provide a service back to the population at little, or no, cost at the time of delivery. The arrangement has been authorized by the people, through their representatives; hence Democratic Socialism.

Everyday examples include public schools and highways (state level), Social Security and Medicare (federal level), and public libraries (local level). Nearly all Republicans embrace, and enjoy, these benefits provided by the socialization mechanism, but decry socialism in general. One wonders why.

Maybe its a knee-jerk reaction to Democratic social issue proposals. Maybe they just dont understand the term. Maybe they do understand, but want to turn public opinion against the proposal by using a loaded term from the past.

The difference between Republicans and progressives is not that the progressives accept socialization and the Republicans reject it, since both do accept it. Both are willing to use the mechanism for education, highways, and libraries, and even for retirement and health insurance plans (at least for the elderly); progressives want to use it for additional things.

Come on, Republicans!

Youre socialists, too.

Admit it.

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