The 10 Most 'Socialist' States in America

NEW YORK (TheStreet) -- Although ObamaCare is a controversial achievement by President Obama and the Democrats, Republican opposition has been repeating the same complaints: it's bad for the economy and bad for Americans, it's an unwelcome expansion of government, it's not working, andit's socialism.

Socialism at its core is a political term applied to an economic system in which individual property, like money,is held and usedin common, within a state or a country as an attempt to equalize the standard of living for the average citizen.

In acompletelysocialistsociety, there would be no money. Basic needs such as food, shelter, education and healthcare would be available andprovided to everyone, so division of classes based on wealth would not exist.

But if America is really turning into a more socialist country,then where can we see evidence of this happening? Are any states becoming socialist before our eyes? And if so, how do we define the most socialist state, you ask?

After all the number crunching, we have come up with the 10 least socialist states in America followed by the 10 most socialist...

#10 Least Socialist State - Illinois Total State Expenditures (FY 2013): $66.4 Billion Gross Domestic Product (2013): $671.4 Billion

Expenditures as Proportion of GDP: 9.90% The state of Illinois is the 10th least socialist state in America with an economydriven by agriculture and manufacturing. Republicans prevail in both Chicago's suburban "collar counties" and the rural northern and central Illinois, as well as in southern Illinois. In the most recent elections earlier this month, multimillionaire Bruce Rauner (R) proclaimed victory and "a new direction" as Illinois' next governor defeatedDemocratic incumbent Pat Quinn (D).

The 10 Most 'Socialist' States in America

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