Citizen Safety Task force: Florida’s Stand Your Ground law …

Sybrina Fulton joins Democratic lawmakers at the state Capitol and calls for the repeal of Florida's Stand Your Ground law.

Tallahassee, Florida - Florida's controversial Stand Your Ground law is a good law, and should not be overturned, according to the final report from Gov. Rick Scott's Citizen Safety Task Force.

The group first convened in May, 2012 after the shooting death of Trayvon Martin. The suspect who shot the 17-year-old boy is trying to use the Stand Your Ground law to defend himself.

The governor's task force held seven meetings across Florida to listen to people's opinions about the law, as well as testimony from experts.

The group was led by Lt. Gov Jennifer Carroll. She rejected criticism that the group was stacked with people who favored the Stand Your Ground law.

Their report concludes people have a right to stand their ground and defend themselves from attack.

Recommendations include: stricter rules for neighborhood watch groups, more training for police and prosecutors to make sure the law is applied fairly and a review of Florida's 10-20-Life law.

Lt. Gov. Carroll declined to talk to us about the report on camera.

Senate Democratic Leader Chris Smith, who assembled his own task force to study the law, says he's not surprised by Carroll's report.

"It's what I expected. When you put a task force together of people who wrote the bill and full of people who support Stand Your Ground, I knew the task force wouldn't come up with anything earth-shattering in their final report."

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Citizen Safety Task force: Florida's Stand Your Ground law ...

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