Don’t make ‘stand your ground’ law easier to claim: Letters – Orlando Sentinel

Dont make stand your ground law more accessible

Throughout my time as a corrections officer and as a member of the Community Crime Watch, I have seen the devastating effect that violent crime has on our communities. In Florida, our stand your ground law often increases the toll on families. Instead of decreasing crime like its supporters claimed it would this law creates a convenient loophole for those with the intent to harm their fellow Floridians, incentivizing deadly force and making police officers jobs much harder.

In fact, 70 percent of defendants who claim stand your ground are successful, putting them back on the street without even facing trial.

So why, despite all the evidence, is legislation that makes it easier to claim stand your ground advancing in Tallahassee?

The National Rifle Association.

Even after a study by the Tampa Bay Times revealed that one-third of defendants initiated the confrontation and pursued and/or shot the victim, some legislators are choosing to side with special interests over their constituents.

Join me in putting the publics interests over the NRAs.

State Rep. John CortesKissimmee

I read with interest the Sentinel article Community theaters see surge across Orlando area on Wednesday, but I was surprised that there was no mention of Theatre Winter Haven.

This theater has been in operation for 47 years. It won seven awards including best play in the Florida Theatre Conference and eight awards including best play in the Southeast region. The theater will go on to the nationals this summer.

Two past cast members have lead parts in the Chicago cast of Hamilton.

I can only conclude that the only news from Polk County the Sentinel reports is from the sheriff's office. To quote our president, "Sad."

Sue Hertz Davenport

Why should Judge Neil Gorsuch be confirmed to the U.S. Supreme Court so quickly as David Moffett proposes in his Wednesday letter? After all, Sen. Mitch McConnell and his buddies have kept the vacancy open for a year or so, even denying President Obamas choice for the seat a hearing. If that is not a blockage in the operation of sound government, I dont know what is.

Furthermore, it is despicable and un-American.

Republicans twist the rules, lie and become crybabies if they dont get their way. I have already waited a year, thanks to the Republicans, so whats the rush?

Walter Taylor Winter Park

Wow, in my view, the Sentinel has a liberal slant, but the political cartoon on Wednesday (Beauty and the Beast by Phil Hands) hit a new low. Have you no shame?

Bob Tremblay Poinciana

Aramis Ayala accepts the governor's decision last week to remove her from the Markeith Loyd case and cooperate. On Monday she shows up in court and says the governor overstepped his authority.

What happened between Thursday and Monday? Why did she change her mind? George Soros? If the media would do some honest investigative reporting, I am sure ayou would find out. If not I will start a remove Aramis Ayala petition drive.

The media failed all of the voters by not vetting her position on the death penalty.

Jim Millar Windermere

The rest is here:
Don't make 'stand your ground' law easier to claim: Letters - Orlando Sentinel

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