Early voting starts today in Florida Will Latinos win the state for Trump? Florida’s broken child welfare system Developer wants to tear down…
Hello and welcome to Monday.
The daily rundown Between Saturday and Sunday, the number of Florida coronavirus cases increased by 2,539 (0.3 percent), to 755,020; active hospitalizations went down 37 (1.8 percent), to 2,009; deaths rose by 50 (0.3 percent), to 15,967.
Do it again Well, here comes Round 2.
Catch a wave As Democrats have racked up a large lead in mail-in ballots in Florida the last few weeks, the message from Republicans has been, Just wait. Today, early voting will start in 52 out of 67 counties and this will be a chance to see the first signs of the red wave President Donald Trump promised last week during a campaign swing through the state.
I know theres an answer Four years ago, Republicans edged Democrats in vote-by-mail while Democrats bested Republicans at early voting. Polls showed this year that most Florida Republicans said they planned to vote in-person, an apparent nod to Trumps invective against mail-in voting (although he later clarified he wasnt talking about this adopted home state). Whatever the reason, more than 1.22 million Democrats have mailed in ballots so far, compared to more than 754,000 Republicans.
Here today One adviser to Joe Biden in Florida noting a surge of Democratic enthusiasm said this about the start of early voting: Lets see if GOP argument of all these [vote-by-mail] holders are just sitting on their ballots because they want to return them in person is accurate. Democrats say that even with their emphasis on vote-by-mail this year they will be ready for early voting. They plan to deploy vans, umbrellas, water and thousands of volunteers. Sen. Kamala Harris will be in the state today, where she is scheduled to be at an early voting drive-in rally in Orlando and a mobilization event in Jacksonville.
I Get Around But Republicans counter that their voters in Florida are fired up and will be mobilized. They point to their massive voter contact efforts, their boat and car caravans, and the GOP narrowing the Democrats' voter registration advantage as proof that they will swamp Democrats again just like they did four years ago. So here we go.
WHERE'S RON? Nothing official announced for Gov. DeSantis.
ELECTIONLAND: POLITICO is partnering with Electionland, a ProPublica project that works with newsrooms to track voting issues around the country. The Electionland project covers problems that prevent eligible voters from casting their ballots during the 2020 elections. Were part of a coalition of newsrooms around the country that are investigating issues related to voter registration, pandemic-related changes to voting, the shift to vote-by-mail, cybersecurity, voter education, misinformation, and more. Tell us here if youre having trouble voting.
ITS ABOUT PATRIOTISM Will flag-waving Latinos win Florida for Trump? by POLITICOs Sabrina Rodriguez: President Donald Trump has long known that his reelection hinges on him winning the battleground state of Florida and part of that strategy means getting Cuban Americans in South Florida to the polls in large numbers. But in Hialeah, a working-class, predominantly Cuban city just outside of Miami, a vote for Trump has become about more than just him, or even the Republican Party. Its about patriotism. A drive past the citys biggest intersections shows vendors selling Trump 2020 swag and American flags. And car caravans with dozens of Trump supporters around the city have become a regular occurrence, filled with loud honking and Trump and American flags flung outside windows.
Ahead of early voting, dueling campaign caravans parade through Miami-Dade County, by Miami Heralds Bianca Padro Ocasio
THE APPRENTICE Trump jokes hell fire DeSantis if he loses Florida. Ill find a way, by Tampa Bay Times Josh Solomon: The governor introduced the president on stage at Ocala International Airport. Then [President Donald] Trump got some laughs at [Gov. Ron] DeSantis expense from the crowd especially the line where Trump threatened to figure out a way to fire Floridas governor should the president lose the Sunshine State on Election Day. You know if we dont win it, Im blaming the governor, Trump said. Ill fire him somehow. Im going to fire him. I will find a way.
President Donald Trump gestures during a campaign rally on October 18, 2020 in Carson City, Nevada. | (Stephen Lam/Getty Images)
ON EDGE Voter intimidation looms as a concern. Heres how South Florida will fight it, by Sun Sentinels Lisa J. Huriash: With early voting about to start Monday in Florida, its too early to say which particular problems could surface. Marsha Ellison, a South Florida and statewide NAACP leader, said she fears far-right groups, including those supportive of President Donald Trump, would intimidate Black voters as they head to the polls in predominantly Black communities, all to keep them from voting.
COLLISION COURSE? Will COVID surge before the election in Florida? Everybody wants to know the answer, by Miami Heralds David Smiley and Ben Conarck: Political campaigns in the nations preeminent battleground state are watching two sets of numbers as Election Day approaches: ballot returns and cases of the novel coronavirus. As Floridians begin voting in person Monday and a flurry of political rallies, sporting events and school re-openings bring scores of people together in one of the worst-hit states by the pandemic both epidemiologists and candidates are bracing for the possibility of a pre-Election Day surge. Everybody wants to know the answer to that question: Are we going to see changes in key COVID-19 metrics prior to the election that could influence voting one way or the other? That really remains a big question mark, said Jason Salemi, a University of South Florida associate professor of epidemiology who monitors state and federal COVID-19 data. Youd be unrealistically disconnected not to be paying close attention with all the things that have transpired of late.
At indoor event Florida event, Trump urges seniors to shield themselves from Covid, by POLITICOs Quint Forgey
Byron Donalds tests positive for COVID-19, ahead of Trump event in Fort Myers, by Fort Myers News-Press Amy Bennett Williams
Okaloosa County supervisor of elections and employee test positive for COVID-19, by WEAR
PROXY Puerto Rico, unable to vote, becomes crucial to US election, by Associated Press Danica Coto and Adriana Gomez Licon: The campaigns of President Donald Trump and former Vice President Joe Biden are rallying people in a place where U.S. citizens cannot cast ballots but have the ear of hundreds of thousands of potential voters in the battleground state of Florida. The candidates are targeting Puerto Rico in a way never before seen, with the U.S. territory suddenly finding itself in the crosshairs of a high-stakes race even though Puerto Ricans on the island cannot vote in presidential elections despite being U.S. citizens since 1917.
RISK FACTOR Post investigation: These Florida voting machines ripe for Russian hackers, experts say, by Palm Beach Posts John Pacenti: Florida may be ripe for the picking, computer scientists say, because numerous counties rely on voting machines that are drawing fire for their vulnerability to a cyberattack. These computer scientists along with election integrity groups familiar with the model that Palm Beach and 48 other counties use, say there are potentially numerous ways for a foreign entity to alter results. They say that state election officials have accepted wholesale the spin from the manufacturer that these machines which voters at polling places feed ballots into after marking candidates of their choice are secure.
WHATS IN YOUR WALLET? City of Jacksonville expects reimbursement for $153,000 in GOP convention planning costs, by Florida Times-Unions David Bauerlein: The city of Jacksonville expects the 2020 Jacksonville Host Committee will cover about $153,000 the city spent to prepare for the Republican National Convention that was slated for Jacksonville before coronavirus concerns forced its cancellation. Mayor Lenny Curry and his staff had said during the run-up to the convention that local taxpayers would not bear any cost for the convention because the host committee and a federal security grant would foot the bill. Jordan Elsbury, chief of staff for Curry, said Friday the host committee has said it will make a payment to the city.
GETTING READY Trump, Biden muster army of lawyers, poll-watchers for Florida election fight, by Sarasota Herald-Tribunes John Kennedy: Thousands of poll watchers and attorneys are being deployed in Florida and other battleground states as the Donald Trump and Joe Biden campaigns ready for an Election Day unlike any other one already sparking a firestorm of court challenges. With an unprecedented 300-plus lawsuits in various stages across key states over the conduct of the election, both presidential camps are bracing for a Nov. 3 contest whose outcome may not be known for days.
DISPATCH FROM DORAL The rise of Magazolano and the battle for the Venezuelan vote, by POLITICO Magazines Jesus A. Rodriguez: Many of these voters are not just Trump supporters but impassioned fans of the president. The most fervent among them call themselves magazolanos, a portmanteau of MAGA and the Spanish word for Venezuelan. Online, magazolanos sometimes go to extremes to defend the presidents record, including embracing conspiracy theories about Democratic nominee Joe Biden and others in his party. As Trump fell ill with Covid-19 in early October, members of a Facebook group called Venezolanos con Trump 2020 posted prayers for his recovery, and one user said the president was the anointed son of God. One recent video posted on the groups page called the Black Lives Matter movement a Marxist group and alleged that the George Floyd protests had been pre-planned to destabilize the country. Nonetheless, the magazolano worldview offers a glimpse into Trumps appeal in the decisive state of Florida: With almost two weeks until the election, this new crop of highly engaged voters just might help deliver the state to the incumbent.
2020 BY THE NUMBERS So far, 2,497,514 vote-by-mail ballots have been cast for the November election, according to the latest information on the state Division of Elections website. Of those, 1,222,436 have come from Democrats and 754,346 have come from registered Republicans. Overall, there are nearly 3.3 million mail ballots requested but not yet returned. Of those, nearly 1.37 million are held by Democrats and nearly 1.05 million are with Republicans.
ITS A SECRET Mystery donor spends $180k on Florida political mail, by POLITICOs Matt Dixon: It calls itself The Truth, but little else is known about a new Florida political committee, its seemingly untraceable donor, or $180,000 in mail it funded just days after its formation.
WHAT WILTONS WATCHING The battle for eyes and votes: Unprecedented air war over Panhandle state senate seat, by Tallahassee Democrats James Call: The campaign for a North Florida state Senate seat has produced a wave of political television advertising an "air war," as some consultants call it unlike anything Tallahassee has recently experienced. To be sure, the thousands of commercials aired in the race to succeed term-limited Sen. Bill Montford, D-Tallahassee, offer few new policy proposals from either candidate. [Marva] Preston went on the air first, with an introductory ad about attending the first desegregated high school in Wakulla, then launched an offensive questioning [Loranne] Ausley's ethics, family wealth and ties to the Democratic Party. Once Ausley responded to Preston's attacks, the two began funneling hundreds of thousands of dollars to buy air time. This Monday closes out a three-week run which aired 2,793 spots on the ABC, CBS, NBC and FOX affiliates (Sept. 28-Oct. 19).
11TH HOUR Late guidance from Floridas elections chief could affect counties plan for mail ballot drop boxes, by Tampa Bay Times Allison Ross: Late guidance this week from the Florida Department of State on mail ballot drop boxes has forced many county elections officials to reconsider their plans only days before the start of early voting in the 2020 general election. Vote-by-mail drop boxes must be staffed at all times they are in use by either an elections employee or a sworn law enforcement officer, according to a Wednesday memo from the departments general counsel, Brad McVay, to Floridas 67 supervisors of elections.
Floridas election may hinge on mail ballot signatures: The hanging chad of 2020, by Miami Heralds Mary Ellen Klas
Ad claims defense attorney Kagan, in HD 29 race against Plakon, is on the criminals side, by Orlando Sentinels Annie Martin
Brother weighs against Scott Plakon in HD 29 battle with Tracey Kagan, by Florida Politics Scott Powers
Trump flotilla, complete with tribute barge, flows from Jupiter to Mar-a-Lago, by Palm Beach Posts Hannah Winston
Ivanka Trump to attend fundraiser in Naples on Wednesday, by Naples Daily News Devan Patel
Burt Bacharach, singing and rallying Florida seniors for Biden, doesnt hold back on Trump. I cant stand this man, by Sun Sentinels Anthony Man
Donald Trump Jr. holds campaign rally for father, GOP in West Palm Beach, by Palm Beach Posts Julius Whigham II
We have lost a lot: James Clyburn, Al Lawson make rural pitch for Joe Biden, by Florida Politics A.G. Gancarski
BROKEN SYSTEM Florida took thousands of kids from families, then failed to keep them safe, by USA Today Networks Michael Braga, Pat Beall, Daphne Chen and Josh Salman: Six years ago, Florida lawmakers embraced a tough new approach to stop parents from abusing their children. They approved millions of dollars to hire more child welfare investigators and rewrote rules to make it easier to seize children from their parents. Then they told investigators to rewire their thinking. Instead of looking for every way possible to keep families together, they had a new priority: protect children at all costs. The plan, signed into law by then-Gov. Rick Scott, was widely embraced as a historic stand against child abuse, a crucial rethinking of philosophy that had made regulators soft on abusers. But there was a problem. No one had figured out where to put all the children. In a matter of months, the foster care system found itself drowning in hundreds of new cases.
Tried to keep it a secret DCF and the nonprofit agencies in charge of foster care repeatedly tried to prevent USA TODAY from obtaining information about foster parents and the allegations against them. They would not provide a list of parent names and demanded $50,000 for search and copy fees for disciplinary records. In reaction to one USA TODAY records request, DCF officials pressed legislators to pass a law making foster parent names secret from the public an effort that ultimately failed. In a January statement, DCF Secretary Chad Poppell said many problems in Floridas system stem from the decision to privatize foster care in the early 2000s, putting decision-making in the hands of 17 nonprofits across the state.
Florida officials investigate malicious activity in state business regulation system, by Miami Heralds Ana Ceballos
TEAR IT DOWN? Developer makes offer on Jeffrey Epsteins Palm Beach house with plans to raze it, by Palm Beach Daily News Darrell Hofheinz: Developer Todd Michael Glaser has made an offer to buy the Palm Beach home of the late convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein with plans to raze it and build a house there on speculation, Glaser has told the Palm Beach Daily News. But any sale is still in the early stages and not yet finalized. Glaser has put down an initial deposit on the property, but he wouldnt disclose the amount or how much he has offered to pay for the house.
CORCORAN TIME Fla. education chief moves to strip license from principal in Holocaust furor, by Palm Beach Posts Andrew Marra: Floridas education commissioner inserted himself into the roiling controversy over the reinstatement of a Palm Beach County principal who declined to call the Holocaust a fact, directing his administration to strip the principal's educator certificate. Education Commissioner Richard Corcoran said Friday that former Spanish River High School Principal William Latson took advantage of his position of trust and that state officials had a duty to remove the certificate that authorizes him to educate public school students.
YOU HAVE TO FILL OUT A FORM Woman who gave birth in in jail cell: They just wanted to see how much pain I could endure, by Sun Sentinels Rafael Olmeda: The woman who recently gave birth to her baby boy in a Broward jail cell says she begged in vain for anyone to come help. She says she was terrified of having a miscarriage left alone until minutes before her child was born. Stephanie Bretas, in an exclusive interview with the South Florida Sun Sentinel, on Friday gave a harrowing account of delivering her son in jail, describing squalid conditions and decrying the indifference of nurses and detention deputies who failed to help her until it was nearly too late.
DISMISSED Judge cites Stand Your Ground, drops charge against Broward deputy in rough teen arrest, by Miami Heralds Charles Rabin: A judge on Friday cited the states Stand Your Ground law in dismissing a battery charge against a Broward sheriffs deputy who was involved in the rough arrest of a Black teen in early 2019 that made national headlines.
SECRETS OF THE VAULT Big banks entrusted money to GardaWorld. I secretly lost track of millions, by Tampa Bay Times Bethany Barnes: Brian Newell had been a manager at one of GardaWorlds armored truck branches for about a year when a high-ranking supervisor called in 2018 with a bizarre order: Load all the coins stored at his branch in Connecticut onto a truck bound for Massachusetts. Auditors from Bank of America were coming to Gardas Dedham, Mass., branch to count money that Garda was being paid to protect. And some of it was missing.
Hundreds march in Fort Lauderdale to support equal rights, maximum voter participation, justice for all, by Sun Sentinels Wayne K. Roustan
Call to action: Hundreds demonstrate in downtown Fort Myers, We are seeing these rights threatened, by Fort Myers News-Presss Kaitlin Greenockle
Orange Circuit Judge Alan Apte accused of molestation, governors order says, by Orlando Sentinels David Harris and Monivette Cordeiro: Orange Circuit Judge Alan Apte has been accused of molestation, according to an executive order by Gov. Ron DeSantis. The order, signed Wednesday, assigns the case to Daytona-based State Attorney R.J. Larizza because Orange-Osceola State Attorney Aramis Ayala has a conflict of interest as Apte is a judge in her circuit and used to work for the State Attorneys Office.
BIRTHDAYS: State Rep. Ramon Alexander State Rep. Brett Hage (Was Sunday) State Rep. Amber Mariano former Rep. Dennis Ross (R-Fla.) is 6-0 .... CBS Caitlin Conant (h/t husband Alex) Dara Kam, senior writer/editor with the News Service of Florida ... Richard Lobo, former director of International Broadcasting Bureau Alma Gonzalez, former general counsel at AFSCME Valerie Soto Orama (Was Saturday) Mark Hollis, associate state director communications and outreach at AARP Texas and former comms director for Florida House Democrats ... Scott Randolph, Orange County tax collector and former legislator
Want to make an impact? POLITICO Florida has a variety of solutions available for partners looking to reach and activate the most influential people in the Sunshine State. Have a petition you want signed? A cause youre promoting? Seeking to increase brand awareness amongst this key audience? Share your message with our influential readers to foster engagement and drive action. Contact Jesse Shapiro to find out how: [emailprotected].
See the original post:
Early voting starts today in Florida Will Latinos win the state for Trump? Florida's broken child welfare system Developer wants to tear down...
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- Hypocrisy on matters of life and death | Editorial - South Florida Sun Sentinel - May 2nd, 2023 [May 2nd, 2023]
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- The Conversation: Stand your ground laws open invitation to violence - News-Register - April 30th, 2023 [April 30th, 2023]
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- Man charged after in connection to shooting 17-year-old, who allegedly tried to steal car, DeKalb Police say - 11Alive.com WXIA - April 30th, 2023 [April 30th, 2023]
- 'Stand your ground' laws empower armed citizens to defend property with violence a simple mistake can get you shot, or killed - The Conversation - April 22nd, 2023 [April 22nd, 2023]
- What Are 'Stand Your Ground' Laws, and When Do They Apply? - The New York Times - April 22nd, 2023 [April 22nd, 2023]
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- 'Changes the grounds pretty significantly': What 'Stand Your Ground' law rollback means for Georgia - 13WMAZ.com - April 22nd, 2023 [April 22nd, 2023]
- Missouri has a 'Stand Your Ground' law, but it may not help Andrew ... - Nebraska Public Media | News - April 22nd, 2023 [April 22nd, 2023]
- 'Stand Your Ground' laws have increased by 60% across U.S. since ... - Spectrum News - April 22nd, 2023 [April 22nd, 2023]
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- Villager using Stand Your Ground defense in UPS golf cart delivery ... - Villages-News - April 4th, 2023 [April 4th, 2023]
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- Victims of spring break double shooting that left one dead are from metro Atlanta - WSB Atlanta - March 28th, 2023 [March 28th, 2023]
- Self-defense: How Floridas Stand Your Ground Law Works - February 24th, 2023 [February 24th, 2023]
- Stand Your Ground Law: All 50 States Reviewed - TacticalGear.com - February 24th, 2023 [February 24th, 2023]
- Unclear if "Stand Your Ground" law will apply in Tampa shooting case of WNY native - WGRZ.com - September 22nd, 2022 [September 22nd, 2022]
- The Militias Never Left Kenosha - The Trace - September 22nd, 2022 [September 22nd, 2022]
- Shelby County sheriff expects no charges in deadly shooting because of Stand Your Ground law - WHIO - August 7th, 2022 [August 7th, 2022]
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- Ex-City Official in Florida Is Sentenced to 3 Years for Killing a Shoplifter - The New York Times - May 23rd, 2022 [May 23rd, 2022]
- GOP resolutions call for hand counting paper ballots, praising Johnson on COVID-19 - WisPolitics.com - May 23rd, 2022 [May 23rd, 2022]
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- Jussie Smolletts brother Jocqui insists the actors career will be absolutely fine - REVOLT - April 22nd, 2022 [April 22nd, 2022]
- Study links 'stand your ground' laws to uptick in homicides, but not everywhere - KJZZ - March 20th, 2022 [March 20th, 2022]
- 'Stand your ground' laws proliferate after Trayvon spotlight - ABC News - March 4th, 2022 [March 4th, 2022]
- LaTayla Billingslea Is Fighting for Gun Violence Prevention and Lifting the Voices of Young Survivors - Seventeen.com - February 5th, 2022 [February 5th, 2022]
- Borrello: Stand Your Ground is 'a fundamental right' - Olean Times Herald - January 31st, 2022 [January 31st, 2022]
- In Setback For Ex-Cop Who Fired Blindly Into Breonna Taylors Home, His Upcoming Trial Will Be Partially Open To The Press - NewsOne - January 31st, 2022 [January 31st, 2022]
- Does Wisconsin have the death penalty? Does Wisconsin have stand your ground laws? - AS English - November 26th, 2021 [November 26th, 2021]
- It's time to repeal and replace citizen's arrest laws | TheHill - The Hill - November 26th, 2021 [November 26th, 2021]
- Jackson County mom who killed alleged rapist back in jail after taking kids to trunk or treat - WAAY - November 4th, 2021 [November 4th, 2021]
- Canadas self-defence laws are too sweeping, and the Supreme Court just gave them a pass - The Globe and Mail - October 19th, 2021 [October 19th, 2021]
- Ohio's new 'stand your ground' law: Everything you need to ... - June 6th, 2021 [June 6th, 2021]
- Washington State Stand Your Ground Law & Self-Defense ... - June 6th, 2021 [June 6th, 2021]
- 'Stand your ground' defense rejected in iguana killing - LimaOhio.com - June 6th, 2021 [June 6th, 2021]
- Man accused of stabbing St. Pete teen wont face charges due to stand your ground law - WFLA - May 29th, 2021 [May 29th, 2021]
- 'Stand your ground' laws: Everything you need to know - CNN - March 22nd, 2021 [March 22nd, 2021]
- What are Stand Your Ground Laws? | Brady - March 22nd, 2021 [March 22nd, 2021]
- 'Stand Your Ground' Laws Are Racist, New Study Reveals - March 22nd, 2021 [March 22nd, 2021]
- States With Stand Your Ground Laws 2021 - March 22nd, 2021 [March 22nd, 2021]
- Instead of standing your ground, retreat when possible | Column - Tampa Bay Times - March 2nd, 2021 [March 2nd, 2021]
- Bill would add South Dakota to two dozen states that have stand your ground self-defense laws - KELOLAND.com - March 2nd, 2021 [March 2nd, 2021]
- Senate bill aims to repeal Stand Your Grand law - Famuan - March 2nd, 2021 [March 2nd, 2021]
- Sworn testimony: LCSO detective disagrees with prosecutors over 'Stand Your Ground' death - Wink News - February 11th, 2021 [February 11th, 2021]
- Stand Your Ground Law in Arkansas voted down by House committee - 5newsonline.com - February 3rd, 2021 [February 3rd, 2021]
- Use of force by 4 Hillsborough deputies involved in deadly shooting found to be justified - WTSP.com - February 1st, 2021 [February 1st, 2021]
- Lawyer suspended for Facebook advice on how to shoot an abuser and avoid conviction - ABA Journal - February 1st, 2021 [February 1st, 2021]
- Savannah City Council considers taking stand on stand your ground law with resolution - Savannah Morning News - January 30th, 2021 [January 30th, 2021]
- Column: DeWine had a chance to do the right thing and punted - The Columbus Dispatch - January 7th, 2021 [January 7th, 2021]
- DeSantis new stand your ground would provoke the danger it professes to prevent | Column - Tampa Bay Times - November 21st, 2020 [November 21st, 2020]