House committee approves toughening Utah’s "Stand Your Ground … – KUTV 2News

(KUTV) Utah lawmakers took the first step Friday toward toughening the state's Stand Your Ground law.

That law allows someone to use deadly force -- without retreating -- if they feel threatened.

House Bill 259, sponsored by Rep. Cory Maloy (R-Lehi), would add an extra layer of protection for somebody who fights back in self-defense. The House Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice Committee approved that bill, 6 to 4, sending it on to the next step.

I just believe strongly in that right to defend yourself, said Maloy, a freshman lawmaker.

"Stand Your Ground" has been on Utahs books for some time. But Maloy didn't think the law was strong enough.

His bill beefs it up, clarifying that if someone is attacked, they do not have to retreat even if safety could be achieved by retreating. It also forbids a court from even considering that during a trial.

The Utah Chiefs of Police Association opposes the bill. According to their lobbyist, David Spatafore, the chiefs believe it sends a dangerous message.

Not only can you stand your ground, said Spatafore, you can escalate if you feel that it's appropriate.

Some of Maloy's fellow lawmakers are worried, too. They cited a study from Texas A&M University that says "Stand Your Ground" laws actually lead to more homicides.

Rep. Angela Romero (D-Salt Lake City) said she's especially concerned about people of color like her son.

The things that they experience in our current political climate scares me, and so bills like this scare me more, said Romero.

But just enough of the House committee wasn't scared. They sent the bill to the full House of Representatives.

I think it was a good victory for the rights of people living here in Utah, said Maloy.

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House committee approves toughening Utah's "Stand Your Ground ... - KUTV 2News

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