Panel to discuss 'racial disparity' in Stand Your Ground law

The mother of a teen slain at a Jacksonville gas station after he and his friends refused to turn down their music will be among the panelists at a seminar in Orlando about the controversial Stand Your Ground law.

Jordan Davis' mother, Lucia McBath, will be among the experts examining whether there is racial disparity in the application or enforcement of Stand Your Ground laws.

The U.S. Commission on Civil Rights is hosting the forum, which takes place from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Oct. 17 in the grand ballroom of the Rosen Centre Hotel on International Drive. The forum is open to the public.

Law school professors, state legislators and public policy organizations also will take part in the discussion.

Florida has been a hot bed for debate on the law following the deaths of Trayvon Martin in Sanford and Davis. Stand Your Ground gained notoriety in the trial as neighborhood watch volunteer George Zimmerman's attorneys said he was defending himself against Trayvon. Zimmerman was acquitted.

In the Davis case, defendant Michael Dunn said he fired his weapon into the car after he saw Davis with a gun. A jury was deadlocked on the murder charge but convicted him on attempted murder. Dunn is scheduled be retried for murder later this month.

The panelists include:

Sen. Christopher L. Smith, Florida Senate

Rep. Alan B. Williams, Florida House of Representatives

Rep. Harold Mitchell, Jr., South Carolina House of Representatives

Panel to discuss 'racial disparity' in Stand Your Ground law

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