3 Ways to Have a Tea Party – wikiHow

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Three Methods:Hosting an Elegant Tea PartyHaving a Fun Childrens TeaMaking Your Party Stand OutCommunity Q&A

Tea parties became a popular social event in the early 1800s, though there are signs of tea parties occurring earlier. To this day, tea parties remain an enjoyable and popular pastime. Tea is, of course, necessary for tea parties, but often small snacks are served as well. There are several types of tea parties you can have. You can have an elegant tea party, or choose to have a tea party for children. No matter what type of tea party you have, you can make your tea party stand out with elements like costumes, music, and decorations. Tea parties became a popular social event in the early 1800s, though there are signs of tea parties occurring earlier. To this day, tea parties remain an enjoyable and popular pastime. Tea is, of course, necessary for tea parties, but often small snacks are served as well. There are several types of tea parties you can have. You can have an elegant tea party, or choose to have a tea party for children. No matter what type of tea party you have, you can make your tea party stand out with elements like costumes, music, and decorations.













Plan a theme. A tea party for children is the most fun if a theme is involved. If the party is for mostly girls, you could choose a princess theme. An Alice in Wonderland theme is another cute and classic option. You could also choose a theme based on a country, which would be educational and fun. A British theme or Chinese are a couple of options. Research the decorations, costumes, food, and music based on the theme of your choosing.







Dress up in costumes. You can ask the children to come in costume, or you can have some costumes set out for the children to dress up in at the party. Even if you do ask the children to come in costume, it is considerate to set out a few costumes for children that may have not gotten the memo. Make sure the parents are aware of the theme if you are asking them to bring their children in costume.






Wear costumes. Ask guests to wear costumes according to the theme youve chosen. Even if you dont have a specific theme, you can ask guests to wear costumes anyway. They could dress up in flamboyant hats, like the British are known for wearing to formal events. An option for dressing up without a theme is asking guests to dress up in their formal attire. Make sure to specify costumes on the invitation.


Where would I hold the tea party if my birthday is in December?

wikiHow Contributor

Hold it inside, either at home or at a suitable hotel that specializes in afternoon teas, such as The Ritz. Some department stores have afternoon tea events, such as Harrod's, so that is one other option for the colder months.

What if I wanted to make the tea party a little different?

wikiHow Contributor

Try giving your party a theme, such as: Victorian, royalty, princess, or Alice in Wonderland. You can also look into how other cultures serve tea, and mimic their customs. For example, the Japanese and Turkish ways of serving tea are quite different from the British way of serving tea.

What kind of food do I serve at a tea party?

wikiHow Contributor

Finger sandwiches and cookies are perfect.

Do guests sit at a table or can it be just chairs?

wikiHow Contributor

A table would be better; the guests can sit down and not worry about spilling their tea in their laps, but just chairs will work fine.

How do you act at a tea party?

wikiHow Contributor

Unlike in the movies, you do not have to act like a princess or prince. Just act as you usually do. Any rule applicable for any public occasions applies with a tea party too: don't be rude, dress appropriately, etc. Ask the host if you need to bring anything so that you know ahead.

I am holding a large tea party for mother and daughter. Where and how do I get the teacups?

wikiHow Contributor

Teacups can be found at many places, such as kitchen ware stores, house-related stores, department stores, Etsy, online retailers or auction traders, thrift or charity stores and large furniture stores such as IKEA. You could also borrow them from a friend or family member but that has the added worry about not breaking any.

Where should I have the tea party?

wikiHow Contributor

Anywhere there's a nice ambiance is a good choice. Going to a park or another outdoor venue on a nice day is wonderful, but it's perfectly acceptable to have a tea party inside if you prefer.

Should I also have linen napkins with a white tablecloth, or can I use pretty paper napkins?

wikiHow Contributor

Normally, a proper tea party would have cloth napkins, but for a normal get together with your friends, you can use whatever.

Do the tea cups have to match?

wikiHow Contributor

No. They could be different, making it fun to see who gets which cup.

Is a tea cup with handles on both sides appropriate for a tea party?

wikiHow Contributor

For a relaxed, fun tea among friends, sure. For a more formal tea party, no.

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