BEECHEY: Art show, tea party and more at Annandale National Historic Site – The Sarnia Observer

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Where else can you go in Tillsonburg to find cool things to do like an art show, cemetery tour, 150thanniversary events and souvenirs, a tea party, an oatmeal breakfast, lunch with a mayor, and a Halloween party?

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Well, that is what is coming up this fall at Annandale National Historic Site, aka the museum!

Oxford Creative Connections Inc. is back again to present its Small Wonders Art Show & Sale, which opens Saturday, Sept. 10with booths on the lawn of the museum from 12 noon to 4 p.m. It is also the start of their indoor exhibit in the Pratt Gallery, which will continue through Oct. 30.

The entire family can enjoy the amazing talent of our local Oxford County arts community. The museum will be open for visitors to explore the OCCI Indoor Art Show in the Pratt Gallery whereall pieces of art are no larger than 1214 inches! Plus, 20 per cent of the sales go to the Annandale House Trust, so you just might want to think of birthday, Christmas, or any reason, to give a special, unique gift!

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You can also tourthis 1883 historic Victorian home of E.D. and Mary Ann Tillson with its glorious painted ceilings and other amazing artwork.E.D. was our first mayor in 1872 and the son of our founder, George.Admission is by donation.

How about a meet and greet of Tillsonburgs first mayor and council? Granted they are dead, butyou get to visit them at there their eternal resting places in the Tillsonburg Cemetery during a guided tour.This is a special Tillsonburg 150 event with your choice of Thursday, Sept.15, or Saturday, Sept. 17, from 1 p.m. to 2 p.m. Admission by donation call for a spot on a tour.

On Wednesday, Oct. 5, from 2 p.m. to 3 p.m. you can reminisce about those cute little figurines everyone collected that came in Red Rose Tea. The company started this promotional gimmick with the Wade Whimsies, from the Wade pottery company, back in 1967. You can Wade into Tea at a tea party with curator Patricia Phelps.

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While enjoying tea and pie you will learn about the history of the Red Rose Tea Companys Wade tea figurines promotional campaign, which still goes on today. You will also take a Wade Figurine home as a gift. (Was there ever a skunk figurine?) Cost is $20 plus tax.

On Friday, Oct. 21, from 12 noon to 2 p.m. you can meet a past, yet still alive mayor at another Tillsonburg 150 event: Luncheon with John Armstrong: Past Mayor of Tillsonburg! You will have a delicious luncheon followed by an interesting talk by former Mayor John Armstrong as he discusses his time as the mayor of Tillsonburg (1977-1982). Cost is $25 plus tax.

Monday, Oct. 24, from 8 a.m. to 11 a.m. (yes, in the morning) is another specialTillsonburg 150 event: Oatmeal Breakfast at the Museum. Oatmeal?Yes! It is National Oatmeal Day and Tillsonburg is linked to oatmeal, for E.D. Tillson produces the international breakfast hit, Tillsons Pan Dried Oatmeal.

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Alas, we dont have the original, but you will enjoy an instant oatmeal breakfast in a limited edition Tillsonburg 150 souvenir bowl, which is yours to keep.Coffee, tea, juice, toast, and bowl are included. Cost is $10 plus tax for adults, $8 plus tax for kids.This event is open to all ages, but pre-registration is a must!Sittings are on the half-hour starting at 8 a.m. The last sitting is 11 a.m.Limited seating, please pre-register.

What else would you expect in October? Why a Family Halloween Party which the whole family can enjoy, Sunday, Oct. 30, from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m.Get out your favourite Halloween costume to celebrate the spooky season with games, crafts, treats and your very own pumpkin to take home! Its F-U-N for every age!Cost is $25 per family plus tax (plus $5 for each additional pumpkin).

You can registrar for all these programs now either online via your Connect2Rec Account ( call the museum at 519-842-2294.

Annandale House has been located at30 Tillson Ave. in Tillsonburg for 139 years! If you have not visited the Tillson farmhouse yet, you are in for a treat as the Tillsons followed many of the teachings purported by Oscar Wilde when decorating this home, one of the reasons Annandale House is a National Historic Site! You will be amazed.

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BEECHEY: Art show, tea party and more at Annandale National Historic Site - The Sarnia Observer

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