CalVet: He Signed His John Hancock Right There, On The Declaration Of Independence – Sierra Sun Times

July 4, 2022 - ByJeff Jardine-Granted, this was more prevalent in the days before electronic digital signatures, but youve probably heard the term at some point:

Sign your John Hancock right here!

The famous signature.

As we celebrate the United States of Americas 246thbirthday, no signature on the Declaration of Independence our first Hallmark moment stands out bigger, bolder and with more flair than that of John Hancock. In fact, he was the first of the 56 men who signed the document that told King George III and England to take a hike, and no doubt wanted emphasize his dedication to the revolution and defiance.

After all, breaking away from Englands grip required the will of brave men and women who knew they were, in essence, declaring treason against the Crown. They didnt just sign Americas most famous piece of parchment. They signed what would have been their death warrants had England ultimately prevailed.

Such explains why the Declaration might be dated July 4, 1776 two days after the first founding fathers signed it the last of the names werent signed until November of that year.

By signing first and with such flourish, Hancock made himself a target publicly. By that time, however, hed already ruffled the British in many other ways. In 1773, three years before the revolution began, Hancock revved up the angry mob at a Sons of Liberty meeting prior to the Boston Tea Party, telling them Let every man do what is right in his own eyes.

John Hancock

They dumped tea into the Boston Harbor to protest the tea tax foisted upon them by the Crown. Hence, the battle cry of No Taxation without Representation was born.

Hancock further infuriated the British by raising money for the Revolution, recruited troops for the Continental Army and also helped assemble ships to create naval power.

When British troopswent to Lexington and Concord in Massachusetts toconfiscate stored militia armamentin April 1775, they also wentlooking for Hancock and his good friend, Samuel Adams. The British hadwarrantsout for their arrestsduring the battles in those towns that began theRevolutionary War.However, bothmenescapedandwent to Philadelphia, where theysigned the Declaration a year later.

Indeed, Hancocks became the most celebrated signature in the nations history so perfect and artistic that National Handwriting Day is celebrated on Hancocks birthday, which is January 23.

All because he signed his John Hancock right there, big, boldly and defiantly as a new nation was born.

Happy birthday, U.S.A.!Source: CalVet

Original post:
CalVet: He Signed His John Hancock Right There, On The Declaration Of Independence - Sierra Sun Times

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