Communitywide Shower and the Tea Party give boost to Women & Children’s Horizons – West of the I

(From left): County Treasurer Teri Jacobson, Lori Hanson of Women & Childrens Horizons, Patti Worzalla and Jennie Tunkieicz. /Submitted photo

Several hundred donated items werecollected as the result of a Communitywide Shower to assist clients of Women &ChildrensHorizons.

Items were collected by Kenosha County Treasurer Teri Jacobson over a period of several weeksin April.

The Community Shower culminated with a fund-raising Tea Party event held for 25 women onApril 23 at Circa on Seventh, 4902 Seventh Ave., Kenosha. The Tea Party was donated by Pattiand Rick Worzalla, of Kenosha, as part of the Annual Fall Benefit Event fundraiser for theKenosha Achievement Center. Jacobson and Jennie Tunkieicz were the successful bidders forthe Tea Party and they decided to parlay it into another fundraising event for Women&Childrens Horizons.

Among the items donated were comforters, sheet sets, blankets, mattress covers, pillows,crockpots, coffee makers, diapers, cleaning supplies, storage containers, personal care items,and gift cards.

Lori Hanson, Marketing and Development Manager for Women& Childrens Horizons, said theCommunitywide Shower and the Tea Party event helped provide necessary household items forfamilies who need a fresh start.

Many of our clients come to us with very little. Many had to leave a dangerous situation andhave left with only the clothes on their backs. Our hope is to provide our clients with the basicneeds to live a life without violence, Hanson said.

The items that were donated at the community shower will give our clients the chance to startover. Many of the things that we may take for granted are not necessarily accessible to theseclients. Pots and pans, dishes, and silverware, to name a few, are items that we like to provide aclient who is starting over, she said.

Women and Childrens Horizons has been serving the Kenosha Community for over 40 years. Itsservices include an emergency shelter, a 24-hour help-line, legal advocacy, restraining orderadvocacy, childrens programs, transitional living program, underserved population program,and sexual assault and domestic violence victim programs. These services are offered free ofcharge and also in Spanish.

We thank those of you who donated to the community shower. Your gifts will allow our clientsto have what they need to make a better life and build a brighter future for themselves andtheir families, Hanson said.

Women and Childrens Horizons recently opened an office in Salem.

For more information about Women and Childrens Horizons, please visit its website

Communitywide Shower and the Tea Party give boost to Women & Children's Horizons - West of the I

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