DeMint eyes ‘new mission’ for Tea Party: Changing the Constitution – The Hill (blog)

Jim DeMint, the recently ousted head of the Heritage Foundation, has taken on a new mission for the conservative Tea Party Movement to amend the U.S. Constitution,USA Today reportedMonday.

DeMint has joined The Convention of Sates Project, which reportedly aims to start a grassroots, state-led effort to amend the U.S. Constitution by scaling back its federal spending and power as well as address federal term limits.

The former South Carolina senator (R), who was ousted from the think tank last month, will serve as a senior adviser to the group.

The Tea Party needs a new mission, DeMint told the newspaper. They realize that all the work they did in 2010 has not resulted in all the things they hoped for. Many of them are turning to Article V.

While constitutional conventions are rare occurrences the last and first one being since 1787 the movement is gaining ground. Twelve states reportedly are in support of the efforts of DeMints new group, and they hope to double their number by next year.

DeMint believes the timing is ripe for their efforts after President Trumps election as well as with a Republican controlled Congress.

This is a perfect time for us, DeMint said. People are disgusted with Washington. They are ready to move power back closer to home.

Although three primary issues reining in the U.S. governments power over states, and imposing both fiscal restraint on Washington as well as term limits on federal officials DeMint reportedly suggested that other amendments could be proposed to address issues surrounded the federal budget and ending lifetime appointments for Supreme Court justices.

DeMint is seen as a major GOP figure who helped Republicans and Tea Party activists gain control of the House in 2010.

He called his sudden dismissal from Heritage "perplexing" after the conservative think tank's board of directors voted to remove him from his top position, citing "worsening management issues."

The formal announcement of DeMints new position is expected Monday, USA Today reports.

Mark Meckler, a co-founder of the Tea Party Patriots, will also be reportedly a leading figure in these efforts.

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DeMint eyes 'new mission' for Tea Party: Changing the Constitution - The Hill (blog)

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