Democrats’ Plan to Lower Insulin Costs Faces GOP Opposition in Build Back Better – Esquire

Speaking of politicizing disease, this is one godawful paragraph to read. From the Washington Post:

Seeking to deny Democrats a talking point.

Thats the best they have? Dont help 7 million diabetics so the Democrats wont be able to make commercials about it? Im supposed to write about politics, but this isnt politics. This is something beyond politics. This is ideological sadism, as pointless as it is cruel.

Cowards. Afraid of their own best instincts. And their donors. And their lunatic base.

Ive been developing a theory that, just as the Republicans lost their minds over economics when they went whole hog after what Poppy Bush called the voodoo economics of supply-side, they lost their minds on public health during the fight against the Affordable Care Act. They got behind so much utter nonsensedeath panels, Obama is Witch Doctor Hitler, the whole Tea Party bag of horrorsthat they never found their way back to whatever the Sensible Center used to be when Republican Senator Jacob Javits proposed what amounted to Medicare For All back in 1970. (Let alone back to where Otto von Bismarck and Thomas Paine, two advocates of universal health care, were in their own time.) That has left them with such an inflexible political posture on the issue of healthcare that they are locked into positions that seem positively inhumane.

Of course, the Democrats are fighting among themselves about how good the Biden plan really is, and over what it doesnt do, rather than what it might.

Its all that they have left.

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Originally posted here:
Democrats' Plan to Lower Insulin Costs Faces GOP Opposition in Build Back Better - Esquire

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