Dont expect Trump to go quietly into the night | Letter –

After losing the election, President Trump unwittingly joined his most hated group (losers), which include one-term presidents. Trump also bears the stigma of being impeached, which makes him the obvious supreme loser in the history of modern one-termers (Herbert Hoover, Gerald Ford, Jimmy Carter and George H.W. Bush).

If Republicans think Trump will go quietly into the night like normal presidents leaving office, he will do just the opposite. The decibel level of his late night and early morning tweets will exceed that of jungle birds during mating season. Additionally, he will blame anyone and everyone for his loss and continue his virus-spreading public rallies of the remaining faithful, to aerate his deflated ego. Hell create a Trumpian bloc within the GOP that will make the Tea Party look like an actual tea party.

He also will continue to rend the once-proud Republican Party to a nadir where recovering their respectability and soul is impossible, because they abdicated both when defending the indefensible.

This defeat came at a most inopportune time for Trumps age, as his hair management team had his hair plugs just starting to artificially grey at the temples, which happens to actual hair on real presidents near the end of their first term and distinguishes them from executives in other professions. I also think its a near-certainty that the New York state judicial system is waiting to prosecute, convict and jail the entire Trump family.

Ron Pizarie

East Allen Township

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Dont expect Trump to go quietly into the night | Letter -

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