Emery outlines goals if elected Sheriff | Elections | heraldbulletin.com – The Herald Bulletin

PENDLETON Republican Anthony Emery seeking the party's nomination for Sheriff outlined proposed changes to the department.

Emery is one of three candidates seeking the Sheriff's nomination along with Kim Stigall and John Beeman. The winner in the May primary election will be running against Democrat Joey Cole.

Emery has served on the Madison County Council since 2017 and is a 30-year member of the Indiana State Police.

Appearing at the Tea Party meeting Thursday, Emery asked what the county was doing to combat crime.

The job of a police officer is to enforce the laws, he said.

Emery said the drug problem in Madison County is increasing the numbers of other crimes like theft and burglaries.

We can't ignore the drug problem, he said. Once a person is incarcerated we should get them help with addiction problems.

Emery said those programs should be used to reduce the number of repeat arrests.

He also would bring the Drug Task Force back under the control of the Sheriff's Department.

Emery said currently there are only four members of the task force, two from the Anderson Police Department and two from the Sheriff's Department. He noted there used to be six members.

There should be a county-wide drug task force run by the sheriff and not the Anderson Police Department, he said. The chief of police has to answer to other people. The sheriff answers to the voters.

Emery said he would like to renew the department's community outreach program and contact elderly residents on a regular basis to check on their welfare.

He said the years serving on the county council has provided a lot of opportunities to learn the ins and outs of county finances.

Concerning the construction of the new county jail, Emery said he has been working with officials in the criminal justice system since joining the council on the overcrowding problem.

The decisions on the jail will be made before the next sheriff takes office, Emery. There will be a ground breaking in August or September. As a councilman, I've been a part of the process.

Councilman Jerry Alexander is seeking election to a second term and is being opposed in the Republican Party by Bethany Keller for the District 1 nomination.

When I decided to run I started attending council meetings to learn the process, he said. Historically the budget is prepared by office holders on their anticipated spending needs.

It's a frustrating process, Alexander said. The council is responsible for finances.

He said it takes time and experience to understand the council's budget making process.

Expenses exceeded revenues not too long ago, Alexander said. Auditor Rick Gardner has done a good job of working with the council to tighten the fiscal process.

During the last budget cycle, Alexander said, the council looked at spending by each department over several years and set the budgets on the average.

The process worked, he said.

Alexander said the county is in good fiscal condition with an operating balance of $9 million and Rainy Day fund of $5.4 million by the end of the year.

We've done a good job of managing finances, he said.

Follow Ken de la Bastide on Twitter @KendelaBastide, or call 765-640-4863.

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Emery outlines goals if elected Sheriff | Elections | heraldbulletin.com - The Herald Bulletin

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