LETTER: Let the Democrats form a tea party-type group – Statesville Record & Landmark

Let the Democrats form a tea party-type group

After reading Froma Harrop's column, "Democrats must protest by vote," (R&L, Feb. 1) I was left with a question.

She states, Many Democrats hope the massive demonstrations against Donald Trump will evolve into a Democratic tea party. Isnt her idea of forming a tea party to get votes the same idea conservative Republicans had?

I wonder if she remembers what happened to the tea party back then. Remember Lois Lerner and the IRS? Harrop may think a tea party-type group could win votes for Democrats in 2018. I say that is a wonderful idea. Form a Democratic Tea Party!

But then, I ask myself if she remembers what happened to the conservative tea party in 2013. The IRS was directed to play games using government departments to work against the tea party's request for tax-exempt status.

The Democratic Tea Party might have to go through same process? Oh, can you hear the squeals all across the media? My sweet tea would taste a little sweeter if they decide to form a Democratic Tea Party.

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LETTER: Let the Democrats form a tea party-type group - Statesville Record & Landmark

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