LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Tea Party is an ineffective good ole’ boys club – Carolinacoastonline

Peletier, N.C.

May 25, 2022


Another primary election has come and gone, leaving the fate of the candidates vying for political office in the hands of the voters; a mere 25% of registered voters in the case of the May 2022 election. The countless hours and money spent by those running for office to spread their message and make an impact in our community, only to be ignored by 75% of registered voters leaves no room for political apathy.

Nevertheless, the voting process in this election was familiar, voters turn up at the polls and are immediately greeted by poll workers, handing out candidate literature in an attempt to sway voters' decisions in the last minutes before they enter the voting booth. These volunteers are paramount during elections due to the limited availability of candidates during early voting, two weeks prior to election day, and election day itself.

In the last decade, the most influential group of poll workers in Carteret County are members of The Crystal Coast Tea Party, a PAC that is separate from any official political party, yet is often mistakenly identified by many voters as the official brother of the Republican Party.

Most voters in Carteret County are familiar with the sample ballot the Tea Party passes out at the polls, endorsing specific Republican candidates that the group agreed upon at one of their closed meetings.

The problem is that the official Republican Party plan of organization states that they must remain neutral in Republican primaries, however, with many voters aligning the Tea Party as the right hand man to the Republican Party, voters mistakenly believe that the Tea Party candidates are the only conservative candidates and look no further. Any educated voter knows this to be false.

I've asked local Tea Party members what criteria a candidate must meet to be endorsed by The Tea Party and my question was never answered. The Crystal Coast Tea Party does not invite candidates to their meetings and they refuse to host political forums with questions pertinent to the office the candidates seek.

It appears that the Tea Party only endorses candidates based on personal relationships rather than issues of substance, such as focusing on the foundation of the group, "Taxed Enough Already."

Ironically, since the group was formed in 2009, the Crystal Coast Tea Party has supported property tax increases and millions of dollars in a school bond which is funded on the backs of local taxpayers. Meanwhile, other counties in North Carolina are receiving millions in state grants to fund school construction projects. The Crystal Coast Tea Party positions are in direct opposition to conservative values.

The Crystal Coast Tea Party is an ineffective good ole' boys club. I challenge anyone reading to list the accomplishments of the elected officials that were endorsed by The Tea Party. I feel you will be hard pressed to bring anything of substance to the table.

The bottom line is the voters of Carteret County have been duped by The Tea Party's paradoxical play on conservative buzzwords. I urge all conservative voters to research candidates before you head to the polls in the next primary election. Ask questions and peel back the proverbial onion. You will be surprised! See you at the polls!


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LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Tea Party is an ineffective good ole' boys club - Carolinacoastonline

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