Mainstream Media Scream: Smeared ‘Tea Party’ name OK when it’s liberal – Washington Examiner

When it comes to the "Tea Party," the left and its mainstream media have made no secret that they consider it a home for the GOP's backward, racist, clan of dumbos.

But now as they try to find a name for their own mini-rebellion against GOP domination in Washington, they have found that using the "Tea Party" description for their effort is A-OK.

On several news shows last week, CNN, MSNBC and others sounded like Chris Matthews when he asked if the sporadic protests were the "birthing of the left's version of the Tea Party."

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We couldn't let the coincidence pass as our Mainstream Media Scream of the week.

Media Research Center Research Director Rich Noyes explains the pick: "Back in 2009, the news media tried to ignore the Tea Party, ridiculed it with filthy jokes about tea-bagging, then smeared it as a racist reaction to America's first black president. But now many of those same journalists are hyping the idea of a left-wing Tea Party, treating the Left's disruptive demonstrations as a righteous reaction to Donald Trump. It's a complete double-standard, and shows how much of the media's so-called 'news' coverage is based on wishful thinking versus honest analysis."

Rating: Four of five screams.

Paul Bedard, the Washington Examiner's "Washington Secrets" columnist, can be contacted at

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Mainstream Media Scream: Smeared 'Tea Party' name OK when it's liberal - Washington Examiner

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