Opinion | Kim McGahey: Enough of the hypocrisy already – Summit Daily News

Todays topic is hypocrisy in our liberal local elected officials and in the progressive local, state and national Democratic Party.

Hypocrisy is the act of pretending to have a character, beliefs or principles that one does not possess, a pretense of virtue or piety, false goodness.

Human nature and our culture are full of hypocrisy from George Orwells doublespeak to local candidates not being completely honest with voters. Your husband could be hypocritical when he says he cant watch the kids because he has an important errand to run for the family, and then he goes fishing. A state governor shows hypocrisy when she ridicules constituents on a certain behavior, like wearing a mask, and then is caught in a social group without her mask. Hypocrisies can be harmless or dangerous depending on motive, intent and desired outcome.

While candidates last year, the Summit School District Board of Education members glossed over their desire to implement a sweeping program of social justice policies. Then once they were safely elected, every white person in Summit County was immediately a racist in their view. Everything was fine until they actually got into office, at which point they imposed the most racist policy by accusing everyone who disagreed with them of being a racist.

Town council candidates in Breckenridge and Frisco talked about a vague unthreatening future for our towns with words like livability. It sounds nice enough, but nobody knows what it means. As it turns out, livability is a buzzword for allowing socialist governments to implement restrictive public policies that can limit the number and kinds of people who can visit, and how residents can use their private property. If the local governments dont like you or your behavior, then livability is a ubiquitous term that gives them carte blanche to treat you as they see fit (e.g., climate change mandates).

Local employee workforce housing is another hypocritical pretense to allow our government to subsidize the lifestyle that socialist mayors like Hunter Mortensen dream of. When he ran for mayor of Frisco, he never mentioned implementing a state of emergency because his precious lifestyle was being threatened by the realities of our real estate supply/demand curve. Id like to live in La Jolla, California, overlooking the Pacific Ocean, but I dont expect the government to pay for it.

When the builders of our community came here in the 1960s and 1970s, we never had any government subsidies for housing. Jeff Bergeron should know. It was as cost-prohibitive then as now. We lived in condominium basement boiler rooms, restaurant kitchen storage rooms, second home garages and in our vans parked anywhere five or six of us in a space just to live in paradise for a while. It wasnt a right; it was a privilege.

I was encouraged this week to meet four guys from the University of Alabama, all of whom came to Summit County and found work and housing. So I know it can be done the old-fashioned way without Mortensens emergency powers. Pretense of virtue, false goodness.

Hypocrisy has been very apparent in the aftermath of the George Floyd riots last year as Democratic district attorneys have chosen not to prosecute violent rioters yet went all in to prosecute and detain protesters at the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6. Say one thing, do another.

Todays local, state and national liberal progressives are the most hypocritical political party. They preach tolerance, fairness and individual caring. Yet one look at the Summit Daily News letters to the editor shows the local Summit Haters Club lashing out full of venom demanding that the editor cancel any dissenting opinions. Hardly tolerant.

Local liberals on our town councils and school board dont want to liberate us. They want to control our lives with draconian policies in which we have no input. Hardly fair.

Liberal progressives nationwide want to tear down our society that has been the most benevolent civilization in human history to raise the standard of living for all individuals and replace it with monolithic, communist central planning. Hardly caring for the individual.

Just tell us the truth without hypocrisy. Then we the people can decide what is right.

Kim McGaheys column Conservative Common Sense publishes Tuesdays in the Summit Daily News. McGahey is a real estate broker, tea party activist and former Republican candidate. He has lived in Breckenridge since 1978. Contact him at kimmcgahey@gmail.com.

Opinion | Kim McGahey: Enough of the hypocrisy already - Summit Daily News

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