OUR VIEW: Voters did their part to drain The Swamp – leader-call.com

The Mississippi Congressional runoff for District 4 will not likely make national news. But what the voters of this district did is a microcosm of the feelings of Americans fed up with Swamp politics in Washington, D.C. Steven Palazzo, despite being swept into Congress riding the last great show of voter anger in 2010 with the TEA party movement, spent six terms in Congress showing that he did not have the fight and fire that voters believed. He was not a trailblazer for freedom or wanting to bring true change to Washington, D.C., swamp politics.

He was what has made Washington so miserable an entrenched, lifetime politician with the backing of big business and special interests. He was not alone back in 2010, as many of those new faces elected to tackle the likes of Mitch McConnell, Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer lifetime, slimy politicians beholden to their own re-election efforts and bringing in campaign donations rode the TEA Party wave to victory.

This country is in a crisis. We have a president who doesnt know where he is half the time and has trouble putting two sentences together. We have a vice president who makes Bidens words sound like Shakespeare. We have a Congress that has printed so much money, the dollar is on the verge of being worthless. Yet time after time, the voters put the same Swamp snakes back in office.

On Tuesday night, voters in District 4 acted and, we hope, charted a course for our government that will be felt through the November general election.If those in power are driving the country off the cliff, or at least being complicit in the nations destruction, they do not deserve to go back for more years to continue the drive toward destruction. Palazzo might not have been driving, since he wasnt much of a leader of anything, but he was firmly entrenched in the bus of national destruction.

He should have been term-limited after four terms, which should be the maximum for House members. But the only way to enact term limits is to have the same Swamp creatures who rely on there being no term limits to pass it themselves. Those in the D.C. club will never do that. Their lives are too cushy inside the beltway. Senators should get two six-year terms. Period. There should be no Chuck Grassley, who, at 88 years old, is seeking a seventh term in the Senate. The likes of McConnell and the even more loathsome Lindsey Graham, who wakes up every morning and decides what side of an issue he needs to come down on, need to be sent packing.

While many believe that is impossible, as those in power have rigged the game so terribly it is almost impossible to get primaried, voters in District 4 on Tuesday showed that it can happen.

Americans are furious at the direction of this country. They are taking out that angst not on candidates based on what letter might be next to their name, but whether there is a huge S in front of it Swamp. That is what District 4 voters did on Tuesday, voted against a double-S Swamp Steven.

Now, to Mike Ezell, who likely will defeat Democrat Johnny DuPree in the general election, we are all watching. You will be swept into Congress much the way Palazzo was swept in in 2010. We only hope that you show more fortitude and more fight than the man you defeated. Our patience is running thin. If you cant fight and work to bring change, your days will be numbered as well. Americans are awake and they are hacked off.

Be a leader, not just another creature in the D.C. Swamp.

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OUR VIEW: Voters did their part to drain The Swamp - leader-call.com

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