People are fed up with Trump | Opinions –

To the editor:

Marilyn Carr responded to my letter titled by KPCNEWS "Serious Times" which seeks to re-write history. I believe she has the same rights as anyone else does to state their opinion. That doesn't give her the right to make up the facts.

My letter clearly indicates GDP growth, which is in addition to the current GDP. The statement Obama never exceeded 2% GDP is not supported by any respected economist. Obama took over a jalopy then turned it into a Lamborghini, gave the keys to Trump so he could drive it over a cliff. Trump will never create as many jobs as Obama did because he's going to be a one term President. Tea party backed candidates keep losing races and the Wisconsin Trump endorsed judge was defeated just last week.

People are fed up with Trump and it's time the Republican party takes the wheel away from the do nothing Tea party cult.

The small business loan money is now gone and in the hands of the most well connected who had long standing relationships with banks. Mom and Pop got left out again.

The Affordable Care Act provided 20 million Americans with insurance they otherwise would not have. This same plan was first introduced by Republicans, enacted by Mitt Romney and since then have tried to destroy it.

The former head of the White House Pandemic Response Team never spoke to Laura Ingraham on Fox as Mrs. Carr claims. Tim Morrison who was on the Trump/Ukrainian call however, was and wasn't even part of the team. He was a Bolton loyalist and Bolton fired the leadership of the team. Dr. Fauci told Congress on March 11th it would be great if it were still there. He has also stated a vaccine is 12-18 months away. Fox currently is being sued for their reckless reporting on this issue.

Trump did not stop travel from China on Jan. 31st. He did however on Jan.24th praise and thank President Xi "on behalf of the American people" for containing the virus and for his "transparency." On April 6th there were 9,626 virus related U.S. deaths. Now ten days later there are 31,590. The Tea party wants us to think Trump, Banks, Braun and Pence have protected Americans and are working hard. The number of those infected and the dead strongly disagree.

Michael Gillespie


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